Red Thunder Zuma Arcamon Bug | The Legend of Mir

Red Thunder Zuma Arcamon Bug


So fairly new to the game, was reading through the forum and noticed if I used a yellow evolution stone on a zuma statue I would get a Red Thunder Zuma.

So long story short, I levelled the sheep to level 82 as it evolved to a zuma statue; then I immediately used the yellow stone that I bought through the game shop (as what I read on the forum was that I can evolve it at any level and it was the next stage after zuma statue) but nothing happened. The arcamon lit up showing I could use it which I did.. it took the stone off me but I still have a zuma statue. It didn't state it needed to get to a certain level to evolve but I thought I would get it up a few more levels just in case but I now have a level 110 statue and a yellow stone missing and still no red thunder zuma.

I am guessing this is a bug but I just want to make sure I am not missing something obvious and if anything can be done about it? Please help?!



So fairly new to the game, was reading through the forum and noticed if I used a yellow evolution stone on a zuma statue I would get a Red Thunder Zuma.

So long story short, I levelled the sheep to level 82 as it evolved to a zuma statue; then I immediately used the yellow stone that I bought through the game shop (as what I read on the forum was that I can evolve it at any level and it was the next stage after zuma statue) but nothing happened. The arcamon lit up showing I could use it which I did.. it took the stone off me but I still have a zuma statue. It didn't state it needed to get to a certain level to evolve but I thought I would get it up a few more levels just in case but I now have a level 110 statue and a yellow stone missing and still no red thunder zuma.

I am guessing this is a bug but I just want to make sure I am not missing something obvious and if anything can be done about it? Please help?!



Sounds like you did everything right. I'm sure Scorpian or Warda will be along shortly to hopefully fix it for you :)
Sounds like you did everything right. I'm sure Scorpian or Warda will be along shortly to hopefully fix it for you :)

Hi Zad,

Thank you for the reassurance that I did it right lol. As you say, hopefully Scorpian or Warda see this and lend a helping hand!
I am going to have to fix this on the next reboot sorry. Hopefully that won't take too long
what would be nice is if this poor guy gets some compensation for his patients on waiting to get what he bought
what would be nice is if this poor guy gets some compensation for his patients on waiting to get what he bought

Yeah tbh I think I'd be fixing it and giving him his gg back that he spent on the stone.

Only problem is, while this guy has been very patient and absolutely deserves it, offering compensation sets a precedent and there's too many greedy people who would then start filling his inbox with compensation demands for other random things that have happened over the years. It's a sad fact that it's those people who are the reason GMs avoid direct contact with players, those kind of players cause so much stress it ends up not worth it for GM to try and help.

Maybe we should set up a gofundme for him, I'll stick 10gg in, if 14 others do the same then he has his compensation :p
Yeah tbh I think I'd be fixing it and giving him his gg back that he spent on the stone.

Only problem is, while this guy has been very patient and absolutely deserves it, offering compensation sets a precedent and there's too many greedy people who would then start filling his inbox with compensation demands for other random things that have happened over the years. It's a sad fact that it's those people who are the reason GMs avoid direct contact with players, those kind of players cause so much stress it ends up not worth it for GM to try and help.

Maybe we should set up a gofundme for him, I'll stick 10gg in, if 14 others do the same then he has his compensation :p
Next you ll be asking us to donate gold ����*♂️
Hi Scorpian, just want to say thank you for sorting this issue. I have just logged into game and noticed this has been fixed. Appreciate it. Thanks.