Red moon sword | The Legend of Mir

Red moon sword


Active Member
Hi one of my mates just started Arcadia. He equipped a red moon sword and now cannot get it off. Weve tried to kill guards and died to mobs in various caves but can’t remove it. Any advice?char name is brocraig. Could gm please remove it if it’s bugged.
Hi one of my mates just started Arcadia. He equipped a red moon sword and now cannot get it off. Weve tried to kill guards and died to mobs in various caves but can’t remove it. Any advice?char name is brocraig. Could gm please remove it if it’s bugged.

I have a vague memory of this happening to someone else a while back (maybe a year ago?) and response was keep dying it'll come off eventually. I don't want to say that's 100% true until I find the thread though, will keep searching
I have a vague memory of this happening to someone else a while back (maybe a year ago?) and response was keep dying it'll come off eventually. I don't want to say that's 100% true until I find the thread though, will keep searching

Thanks man we’re try that. I thought because it’s such low lvl it maybe can’t death drop
Think I remember some kind f potion removed the sword like a water or something as well as dying a shit load of times.