Recomended places too hunt for gold ... | The Legend of Mir

Recomended places too hunt for gold ...


Hi,basically i joined a couple of days ago and am really looking forward too seeing what this game has too offer..
although im currently stranded on finding the best solution too boost my gold, too allow me too boost my spells and equipment too hunt in more advanced areas .
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

Im a level 90 taoist aswell.

Kind regards,
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Hi,basically i joined a couple of days ago and am really looking forward too seeing what this game has too offer..
although im currently stranded on finding the best solution too boost my gold, too allow me too boost my spells and equipment too hunt in more advanced areas .
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

Im a level 90 taoist aswell.

Kind regards,

Hi Zulu! I am also very new myself, got to Lv43 on my Wiz last night before bed, just waking up atm then I'll be on to smash some levels. I'm down to try any grouped content with you when I catch up a bit, really looking forward to seeing what the server has to offer!

Following this thread.
hey there, welcome aswell , and yes ill definatly be up for some grouped content at some point. rite now im abit on and off due too kids keeping me active throughout the day , but evening times are best for me too be more active consistantly.
I hope you enjoy your gaming experience as much as i plan too. i myself played mir around 20 years ago , something seems too have drawn me back lol . Alot appears too have changed and been added since, i look forwaard too exploring.
currently trying mining too try boost a little bit of cash for skills, as im yet too find out the best solution for gold in-game.
If you want to keep away from toxic guilds don't listen to Frank lol, he'll have you in the legacy family before long

If you want a neutral guild, legends is the best

As for the actual topic of the thread, don't bother with mining. As a low level there will be plenty high levels trying to buy your loyalty so if you want to go that route go ahead lol. Whatever legacy offer I'll match it to keep you away from them haha

If you prefer to do things yourself (highly recommended, much more satisfying) then just clear mobs and pick up pet foods and ingredients that drop as you go along and sell them to shops
If you want to keep away from toxic guilds don't listen to Frank lol, he'll have you in the legacy family before long

If you want a neutral guild, legends is the best

As for the actual topic of the thread, don't bother with mining. As a low level there will be plenty high levels trying to buy your loyalty so if you want to go that route go ahead lol. Whatever legacy offer I'll match it to keep you away from them haha

If you prefer to do things yourself (highly recommended, much more satisfying) then just clear mobs and pick up pet foods and ingredients that drop as you go along and sell them to shops
Like is said. Toxic people about.
neutral guild sounds perfect match tbh...

and thats a fair statement tbh, although as you mentioned i do like to do things myself and set my own achievements throughout the game, as i believe this is how to get the most out of the enjoyment.

I have been hunting in a few places ,but havnt had much luck in drops, barely any if not nothing :( . Any suggestions for decent drops too allow me too collect and sell?

kind regards,
Like is said. Toxic people about.
Let's give the newbies some truth eh

There's one group of guilds that pks indiscriminately, regardless of guild, level, or pve/pvp status. That's where you are. You literally have groups of people waiting to be recalled and people hanging around looking for people to recall on purely to stop them from enjoying the game. A lot of people have complained about it, and a lot of people have quit over it. And you think that's okay

For everyone else there's a choice of join you or be bullied to the point of being limited to hunting in safe zones

There's one group of guilds that stand up to you and you don't like it because there's nothing you can do about it other than gaslight on the forum and make it look like we're the bad guys

I'm just here trying to slow your recruitment to try and keep some kind of sanctity on the server and keep it playable and enjoyable for all. If that costs me money to do then that's fine

Arguing with you lot is like trying to have a conversation with flat earthers and antivaxxers. Simply not possible. So sit down and behave you ridiculous little child
Let's give the newbies some truth eh

There's one group of guilds that pks indiscriminately, regardless of guild, level, or pve/pvp status. That's where you are. You literally have groups of people waiting to be recalled and people hanging around looking for people to recall on purely to stop them from enjoying the game. A lot of people have complained about it, and a lot of people have quit over it. And you think that's okay

For everyone else there's a choice of join you or be bullied to the point of being limited to hunting in safe zones

There's one group of guilds that stand up to you and you don't like it because there's nothing you can do about it other than gaslight on the forum and make it look like we're the bad guys

I'm just here trying to slow your recruitment to try and keep some kind of sanctity on the server and keep it playable and enjoyable for all. If that costs me money to do then that's fine

Arguing with you lot is like trying to have a conversation with flat earthers and antivaxxers. Simply not possible. So sit down and behave you ridiculous little child
So toxic honestly man you haven’t played in a while and I think your find the person you lot complained about being a grief player etc your now allied with 😂so just stop the lies it’s pathetic honestly pathetic.
So toxic honestly man you haven’t played in a while and I think your find the person you lot complained about being a grief player etc your now allied with 😂so just stop the lies it’s pathetic honestly pathetic.
The main people I complained about were ammar, Vic, skyee, and brolly. One of those has allied with us since I was away and I've already expressed that I'm unhappy about it and may end up just going solo as a result. Regardless, you can't argue that because someone else does something that your behaviour should somehow be excused
Hi,basically i joined a couple of days ago and am really looking forward too seeing what this game has too offer..
although im currently stranded on finding the best solution too boost my gold, too allow me too boost my spells and equipment too hunt in more advanced areas .
Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

Im a level 90 taoist aswell.

Kind regards,
Honestly mate try 420 or 420 elite there neutral don’t engage in pk and just hunt I think tht be your best bet . If you don’t want to get involved in the toxicity and pk . Avoid Imms/Templar/noto/legacy just end up in a very sad and pathetic abuse match 24/7.
The main people I complained about were ammar, Vic, skyee, and brolly. One of those has allied with us since I was away and I've already expressed that I'm unhappy about it and may end up just going solo as a result. Regardless, you can't argue that because someone else does something that your behaviour should somehow be excused
I don’t abuse no one in game nor do I recall people just to ruin someone’s day that’s not me if there’s pk I’m all for it but the “grief” side of things think your find I’m rly not involved in tht even after war when people are throwing out abuse talking about mums I keep it quiet and let them crack on and. Tbh with you I noticed tht you haven’t been helping them at war etc and tbh I respect tht about you . You don’t like someone and you’re not showing any fakeness about it sayin “oo we freinds “ like the rest of Imms . So fair play also if you end up going solo I can promise I will not engage in pk with you and let you crack on .

P.s we might not see eye to eye all the time but glad to see you back and hopefully can update zade mir with a map through st I still haven’t got the hang of it 😂😂
I don’t abuse no one in game nor do I recall people just to ruin someone’s day that’s not me if there’s pk I’m all for it but the “grief” side of things think your find I’m rly not involved in tht even after war when people are throwing out abuse talking about mums I keep it quiet and let them crack on and. Tbh with you I noticed tht you haven’t been helping them at war etc and tbh I respect tht about you . You don’t like someone and you’re not showing any fakeness about it sayin “oo we freinds “ like the rest of Imms . So fair play also if you end up going solo I can promise I will not engage in pk with you and let you crack on .

P.s we might not see eye to eye all the time but glad to see you back and hopefully can update zade mir with a map through st I still haven’t got the hang of it 😂😂
I don't even know who you are, there's no char name on the forum account?
The main people I complained about were ammar, Vic, skyee, and brolly. One of those has allied with us since I was away and I've already expressed that I'm unhappy about it and may end up just going solo as a result. Regardless, you can't argue that because someone else does something that your behaviour should somehow be excused
Brolly and bros are arcadia's biggest snakes, never trusted them since first time as i know what char he plays b4, we'll just wait till they fk imms up too with this so called alliance lol

Good choice staying away from these ppl
Brolly and bros are arcadia's biggest snakes, never trusted them since first time as i know what char he plays b4, we'll just wait till they fk imms up too with this so called alliance lol

Good choice staying away from these ppl
Ammar and Vic are from exactly the same cloth... They'll be nice to you as long as you're on your knees with your mouth open lol
Let's give the newbies some truth eh

There's one group of guilds that pks indiscriminately, regardless of guild, level, or pve/pvp status. That's where you are. You literally have groups of people waiting to be recalled and people hanging around looking for people to recall on purely to stop them from enjoying the game. A lot of people have complained about it, and a lot of people have quit over it. And you think that's okay

For everyone else there's a choice of join you or be bullied to the point of being limited to hunting in safe zones

There's one group of guilds that stand up to you and you don't like it because there's nothing you can do about it other than gaslight on the forum and make it look like we're the bad guys

I'm just here trying to slow your recruitment to try and keep some kind of sanctity on the server and keep it playable and enjoyable for all. If that costs me money to do then that's fine

Arguing with you lot is like trying to have a conversation with flat earthers and antivaxxers. Simply not possible. So sit down and behave you ridiculous little child
Haha I've never said what guild is toxic tbh in my eyes MOST of the bigger guilds have toxic members, this is the most toxic server I've ever played and every post you make just proves my point :) I like you Zade you are a nice person and your heart is in the right place most of the time.
100% respect for what you have done for this server

Brolly and bros are arcadia's biggest snakes, never trusted them since first time as i know what char he plays b4, we'll just wait till they fk imms up too with this so called alliance lol

Good choice staying away from these ppl
You see one thing that confused me after all them post complaining about him being a grief player etc surely the clever thing to do is now Imms users are going back up is break ally with them and let them struggle by themselves and be open to pk from both guilds 🤦‍♂️💁‍♂️. They need Imms more then Imms need them .
Let's give the newbies some truth eh

There's one group of guilds that pks indiscriminately, regardless of guild, level, or pve/pvp status. That's where you are. You literally have groups of people waiting to be recalled and people hanging around looking for people to recall on purely to stop them from enjoying the game. A lot of people have complained about it, and a lot of people have quit over it. And you think that's okay

For everyone else there's a choice of join you or be bullied to the point of being limited to hunting in safe zones

There's one group of guilds that stand up to you and you don't like it because there's nothing you can do about it other than gaslight on the forum and make it look like we're the bad guys

I'm just here trying to slow your recruitment to try and keep some kind of sanctity on the server and keep it playable and enjoyable for all. If that costs me money to do then that's fine

Arguing with you lot is like trying to have a conversation with flat earthers and antivaxxers. Simply not possible. So sit down and behave you ridiculous little child
Ammar and Vic are from exactly the same cloth... They'll be nice to you as long as you're on your knees with your mouth open lol
I see some one cying and talking about others cuz hes full of hate trying acting all the time here the nice guy and tell people lies .. about trust same team i had from years is the same team i have right now me and u never been even toeghter in same guild to talk about me . and u and ur guild the definiation of snakes who greif insulting people with thier personal lifes then come here trying to act nice and fool people ... i tell u some thing u cant kid any body cuz all know how it goes ... u never see some one of us maoning here about other players ... so my advice to u weather u take it or not clear ur self from hate ur ways will go better :D
Haha I've never said what guild is toxic tbh in my eyes MOST of the bigger guilds have toxic members, this is the most toxic server I've ever played and every post you make just proves my point :) I like you Zade you are a nice person and your heart is in the right place most of the time.
100% respect for what you have done for this server

Thats a massive change in attitude to your usual, weird :s
I see some one cying and talking about others cuz hes full of hate trying acting all the time here the nice guy and tell people lies .. about trust same team i had from years is the same team i have right now me and u never been even toeghter in same guild to talk about me . and u and ur guild the definiation of snakes who greif insulting people with thier personal lifes then come here trying to act nice and fool people ... i tell u some thing u cant kid any body cuz all know how it goes ... u never see some one of us maoning here about other players ... so my advice to u weather u take it or not clear ur self from hate ur ways will go better :D
"never see one of us moaning" in literally the same sentence as moaning about us. Classic

You were allied with us for a couple of weeks before you stabbed us in the back lol, so yeah, experience is experience