Rebirth | The Legend of Mir


Hey guys!

I'm new to Arcadia Mir and have managed to get my first character to level 80.
I've noticed there is a rebirth system and I was wondering if I have to be in a group to complete this? I have asked around in-game but sadly did not get a response.

Any help would be appreciated! :biggrin:
Hey Freddie,

Your character automatically becomes reborn upon levelling up. No group work needed.

Good luck.
Yeah it is a bit of a cop out now. The original rebirth system sent you from level 90 to 60. It wasn't very popular.
I wasn't around in those days, can anyone explain what the actual purpose of it was? What advantage was there that would outweigh (or even come close to outweigh) dropping 30 levels?
I think it was a popular feature in Asian games. You get "reborn" with more power or whatever but need to relevel.

It was a feature on P69 because we couldn't increase exp requirements past level 60 or something, so it was quite easy to level 60+
In the process of doing it, you would be distinguished by a blue name and character glow + unique rank and would get access to a customisable pet (like a primative version of the arcamon system). The rebirth status allowed you to wear certain items not accessible by normal levels. Back then the end game was around the level 90 region so the knock back 30 levels I guess increased the longevity.
Would be a cool idea to introduce ancient items too , have a ancient quest (175+)similar to heros , completion of it -10lvls,increases hp/mp pool, ability to equip ancient items

The other oldschool things warda's mentioned also sound pretty dope
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Good point.

I mean it was horrible guys, worst addition ever. Talking game breaking, you REALLY wouldn't like it.

(stops talking)
No more work please :cower:

I agree with scorp here.. cant we just enjoy all the new stuff we already got past year or so so we dont need chase better and more kit AGAIN :miserable:

Ty for all the good stuff. Btw gms. Make Yimm challenges random spawn time so everyone can be on atleast sometimes!!!:fox:
I remember rebirth very well. Exp tables couldn't match up with ex in-game. Even post 60 you'd get to say 60% of level but it was actually only 30. Or you'd get to 90% and it would knock you back to 60. Spent what felt like months grinding with vege on ship. Fall asleep waiting for war lures.