Random Disconnects | The Legend of Mir

Random Disconnects


Active Member
Happened to me twice in the last 20minutes , was killing OmaLord then suddenly all mobs disappeared and i lost connection , relogged back in border town ? Same thing wen i was killing a HellFly , everything despawned and i dc'ed and relogged into border town. My noob store account stayed logged in and didnt disconnect so dont think it was my internet?
My conspiracy theory is: GM testing specific settings on different char's and u just happens to be one of them.. and the fact that ur having weird disconnects and spawning's in border town is just a proof that you are being messing about with settings.. or also it could be the MI5.. or ur ISP.. good luck getting to the bottom of it
I assume you weren't dead and had Border as your tt spot.

Did it by any chance happen on the same X:Y position both times?
Ok the border town thing is interesting I will see if I can find out what might be happening (there's no errors in the logs so will need to snoop through code)
I assume you weren't dead and had Border as your tt spot.

Did it by any chance happen on the same X:Y position both times?

Dunno how helpful this is but I've had it a couple of times where by logged in on two seperate accounts one player disconnects the other one is fine
this happened to be a few times in jungle on 4th floor a good while ago but now i dont go there it has not happend agen i got DC from jungle and put in Arc but it was allways the same kind of place i was getting DC