PVP League | The Legend of Mir

PVP League


Leading Contributor
Hi everybody!

I'm thinking of setting up a pvp league, where everyone fights everyone once (or twice, or more, depending on how many entries there are)

There will be a small entry fee which will be put towards prizes (I won't take any commission or anything for organising it, 100% of entry fees will be given back out in prizes)

There will be a main prize for overall winner, class prizes (best tao, best warr, best wiz) and level prizes (best under 155, best under 150, best under 145 etc.)

At the moment I think it would be best to have no restrictions on what can be used (skills, gg pots, pets, special rings etc.) but I'm very open to suggestions for any restrictions that should be put in place that would help to keep balance and fairness for everyone.

This is at very early stage of organising right now, curious to see who would be interested in signing up.

If there is a wide range of levels and enough numbers then would certainly consider splitting it into more than 1 league, but that's something to think about down the line, let's just keep it simple for now.

Players are more than welcome to enter more than 1 character, but you would need to make sure you are going to be available to join all the fights in a reasonable time, people who are going to vanish for a week at a time probably shouldn't enter, anyone else is more than welcome! All fights will be strictly 1v1 and it doesn't matter what guild you are in (if any). It will be in pvp area so no drops, it's all about the pristige of being able to say you are absolutely the best! (and a bit of prize money!)

Anyone who thinks they would be interested please just reply to this thread. If it gets a good response then I'll plan it in a bit more detail and get the ball rolling properly.
Hi everybody!

I'm thinking of setting up a pvp league, where everyone fights everyone once (or twice, or more, depending on how many entries there are)

There will be a small entry fee which will be put towards prizes (I won't take any commission or anything for organising it, 100% of entry fees will be given back out in prizes)

There will be a main prize for overall winner, class prizes (best tao, best warr, best wiz) and level prizes (best under 155, best under 150, best under 145 etc.)

At the moment I think it would be best to have no restrictions on what can be used (skills, gg pots, pets, special rings etc.) but I'm very open to suggestions for any restrictions that should be put in place that would help to keep balance and fairness for everyone.

This is at very early stage of organising right now, curious to see who would be interested in signing up.

If there is a wide range of levels and enough numbers then would certainly consider splitting it into more than 1 league, but that's something to think about down the line, let's just keep it simple for now.

Players are more than welcome to enter more than 1 character, but you would need to make sure you are going to be available to join all the fights in a reasonable time, people who are going to vanish for a week at a time probably shouldn't enter, anyone else is more than welcome! All fights will be strictly 1v1 and it doesn't matter what guild you are in (if any). It will be in pvp area so no drops, it's all about the pristige of being able to say you are absolutely the best! (and a bit of prize money!)

Anyone who thinks they would be interested please just reply to this thread. If it gets a good response then I'll plan it in a bit more detail and get the ball rolling properly.

Swedish dick
hay Zed its so nice idea i done it 4 year ago in my guild FC and i gave away some dirwolf item out but there wes week point on it there player got so good kit and there player dont have good kit so the only way there all must PVP on shop kit not there OP kit like 130 kit or 140 150 160 but the stets must be same .
hay Zed its so nice idea i done it 4 year ago in my guild FC and i gave away some dirwolf item out but there wes week point on it there player got so good kit and there player dont have good kit so the only way there all must PVP on shop kit not there OP kit like 130 kit or 140 150 160 but the stets must be same .

That's an interesting idea. Thanks for your input. Definitely worth considering this!
Sounds like a intresting idea tbh, would it be known for evryone like date,location and so on that signed up for the event ore what is ur thought? As can see people trying to crash in to it, dividing it in to groups i think could be great depending on strenght ect but aswell a big mishmash could be a giggle & great pvp training ^^. Regardless its nice to see people trying to create events :)
Sounds like a intresting idea tbh, would it be known for evryone like date,location and so on that signed up for the event ore what is ur thought? As can see people trying to crash in to it, dividing it in to groups i think could be great depending on strenght ect but aswell a big mishmash could be a giggle & great pvp training ^^. Regardless its nice to see people trying to create events :)

It would all be 1v1 fights (lots of them) and would always be in pvp areas. The day/time can be agreed by individual participants, doesn't need to be set in advance, just let me know the result so I can update the league table. That way it's unlikely there would be any/much interference. If someone is interfering then just go somewhere else, or re-arrange for another time, next day or something, or if none of that is possible just get some heavies in to keep the crowd back ;)

A plus side is it gets people talking (even if it's just to agree a date/time) who might have never even known each other existed before! Be great for the social aspect of the game.
It would all be 1v1 fights (lots of them) and would always be in pvp areas. The day/time can be agreed by individual participants, doesn't need to be set in advance, just let me know the result so I can update the league table. That way it's unlikely there would be any/much interference. If someone is interfering then just go somewhere else, or re-arrange for another time, next day or something, or if none of that is possible just get some heavies in to keep the crowd back ;)

A plus side is it gets people talking (even if it's just to agree a date/time) who might have never even known each other existed before! Be great for the social aspect of the game.

Aye i agree whit you, getting that reason for people to talk is great, a event like this would do exactly that ^_^ gives another element to the game and for me obv to have a giggle, sounds like to me u put in allot of thought, perhaps it would be easier to reach out to peeps if leaders for their guild speaks directly to their members ? Just get get a quicker more direct idea of how many would be intrested, u could aswell do guild tournament for some friendly competition ^_^
Aye i agree whit you, getting that reason for people to talk is great, a event like this would do exactly that ^_^ gives another element to the game and for me obv to have a giggle, sounds like to me u put in allot of thought, perhaps it would be easier to reach out to peeps if leaders for their guild speaks directly to their members ? Just get get a quicker more direct idea of how many would be intrested, u could aswell do guild tournament for some friendly competition ^_^

Yeah there's the weigh up of 2 ways to manage it which will make a big difference

1. Make a quick basic website people can sign into and post results - league can be automatically updated and everything managed nicely, but might be less popular because people are lazy and won't want to go to the effort of signing into something else
2. Manage it all myself, talk to people ingame and collect results - will be more popular and get more people involved, but way more work for me
Yeah there's the weigh up of 2 ways to manage it which will make a big difference

1. Make a quick basic website people can sign into and post results - league can be automatically updated and everything managed nicely, but might be less popular because people are lazy and won't want to go to the effort of signing into something else
2. Manage it all myself, talk to people ingame and collect results - will be more popular and get more people involved, but way more work for me

You can do it !! Cut his fucking head off :encouragement::encouragement:
Yeah there's the weigh up of 2 ways to manage it which will make a big difference

1. Make a quick basic website people can sign into and post results - league can be automatically updated and everything managed nicely, but might be less popular because people are lazy and won't want to go to the effort of signing into something else
2. Manage it all myself, talk to people ingame and collect results - will be more popular and get more people involved, but way more work for me

To be fair to ya, u have to have a think as i agree whit 2nd options is better but however as u stated its FCKTON of work for u and can bring a strain on ya, so have a lil think first and see if u have that spare amount of time n energy if not then obv option one is totally viable aswell but as u stated too trick is to get ppl on the actual page lol ^^
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Just say in game there is pot to sine in your name and lvl and in the end u can see how many are interested to join the PVP event so you can handle the lvl range and class pvp and who will pvp who but you must tell everyone what kit there will use and what skills tao can you only 1 pet ( skeleton ) wiz can do only 1 FW war dont use BC