Put event complaints here <<<<< | The Legend of Mir

Put event complaints here <<<<<


Leading Contributor
Put event complaints here &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

Since the announcement ingame about people being disappointed with event. It's gonna end up with 342334 threads with complaints of varying things.

I suggest putting all complaints in this thread so that Andy has 1 place to look and read.

It will make it much easier for him and the easier we make it the more likely it is he will be able to action your ideas!

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My only real worry is there just aren't enough maps. I thought it was going to be something on the scale of River of Flames, quite enjoyed that one personally. I think the exp is good for low levels but there's just not enough mobs if there's more than a handful of people hunting.

Some worthwhile quests would have been nice too, as far as I can tell the best you can make from the letters is the same as a 5gg torch, easier just to buy a torch :p
Re: Put event complaints here &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;

Not enough mobs.
Maps too small.
No drops

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Also the mobs move very slow

"I thought it was going to be something on the scale of River of Flames, quite enjoyed that one personally." <-- agree with Zade.
Way to many items to pick up, and store to try and craft one item that lasts 60 minutes, And no GG shop Still so no training pots to make use of the exp
Yeah appreciate the points.

We tried to make something not like the other events - as in not just a load of maps but have it spread across the whole world.
I think everyone is getting the impression that there's not a log going on because everything is just too far apart

The immediate remedies in my mind are to increase mob spawns, drops and consider thickening out the spawns that occur in other maps by adding other monsters there too
Is this warmup or something? coz its literally a complete downgraded version of all events

spectrals that are meh... 3 floors not many mobs and idk about the boss

it doesnt feel like much, think it could do with secret passages other bosses etc, or even make the letters do something e.g. open up a secret maze.. i prefer the old ones coz of the gold/silver chests they was mint, the super boss was fun and hard to kill at times was MASSIVE pk usually....... chuck him in pls.. hellraiser needs to make a return as well as chests!
Don't think it should cost 50GP to enter the new map either. We burn through GP as it is with the usual maps, spent 200GP just by having to leave the cave for repairs. Especially now we can't transfer GP between chars, my thousands are on Gid haha!
Re: Put event complaints here &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;

1. andy u said there will be madpunkins 100s of maps i looked at all bosses dont see any only when game shouts a blue

2. the MP drain is a joke am a tao we need mp all the time i feel like a little kind trying to find there socks with there mum shouting at me while playing in event map get 1 lure get 2 dv's in and alll my mp is away and left all to my pets to kill and mp pots just dont fill the bar as fast as u lost it maybe take the mp drain out it kindy sucks ...... add on u waste far to many mp pots and dont make much gold

3. were is this hidden cave ...... LOL like u are going to tell me LOL

4. 170k to 200k exp for a lvl 150 ....... paying to get into a cave with game points maybe 250k like blue dragon dose untill maybe 155

5. mobs super slow to spawn i ran thro the cave and all mobs was gone was a big let down as i wasted 50gp's

6. look like drops are really bad for a event cave .... need more red and blue mobs maybe add more mobs in to game if mp drain is took away

7. add all kinds of bosses into the event that people hunt mite make it funny u are running along and u run into loki and 4tails lol just all the bosses in the game lol at high lvls for the caves lol so 140+ map make all bosses like 150+ or whatever the highest lvl boss is ......... place a red dragon in there somewere death to warrior lolz

8. last 1 GREAT JOB on event hope update to event can be even greater like i said tao's suck in event cave

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Never thro i would say this But But Please Bring HellRaiser Event back LOL
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cheating player back online... really player that put rl cash into game robbed you will lose out...…………….. ban char and cheats.. I give you list of account share you ban
Think we need to bare in mind that player count is high so naturally maps will seems small. Also I don’t think the staggering of cave levels works for the community. Too many people are going in the 140+ one. (Chuck on 15 levels to each to spread people out a bit more) So far I’m enjoying it but have some other thoughts.

Add some more things for the letters to do
Reduce mp drain
Add a collectors quest of like 40 pumpkin heads
Re: Put event complaints here &amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;&amp;lt;

Maybe when you press H for TT to bw/arc you could add a 3rd option on there to TT to event sz, that might reduce people complaining about the 50gp entry fee, because it would be easy to get back to buy pots and go again without paying the fee again

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I'm aware you can use a tt scroll and it takes you back there, but I think it's pretty common that people forget to buy these out of habit because it's always possible to tt with h key

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Can Chucky please store larger pots :) biggest is Trifluid these barely fill half my MP bar :p super or maxi pleaseee
takes to long 2 get 50 game points might b able 2 enter event 3 times b4 it ends (crap) that's if I don't lag out b4

there's so many looking for blues ad gold's its lucky if u can find any

whilst on a moan, when will buying GG b up, gonna lose items I wanna buy in AH
Its only costing me 20 GP a time to get into the new zone, Does it cost more the higher level you are?

Also yeah the 140 and below dungeon gives me like 120k exp per mob as a lvl 124 warrior. Where as the 140+ Dungeon gives me over 200k and the mobs are just as easy with the exception of the Specters taking abit longer to kill. Makes the 140 and below dungeon just not worth the time for me.
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If he did river of flames again everybody would just say oh great this AGAIN.
Props to the dev team for trying something new. Event is great the whole point is for the holidays to feel different and special ingame and not so that everybody can get filthy rich and do 10 levels in a week. Also people forget the mini events last week which were also good in conjunction.

Less negativity heres some positivity.. happy halloween
zero pot drops so hunting time is limited. Paying gp to get in is very harsh, never seen or heard of that on an invent in 20 yrs of mir. Mobs disabling spells, which is crazy for wizzys especially given the damage of the mobs against wizzys. not being able to use shields and spells makes a wiz useless. Not sure if its the same for taos too.
zero pot drops so hunting time is limited. Paying gp to get in is very harsh, never seen or heard of that on an invent in 20 yrs of mir. Mobs disabling spells, which is crazy for wizzys especially given the damage of the mobs against wizzys. not being able to use shields and spells makes a wiz useless. Not sure if its the same for taos too.

These things don't make a wiz useless, it just makes it a lot harder. You can't use the same techniques in the event maps that you are used to using elsewhere, but with new techniques it does get a lot easier and definitely possible
Very disapointed with the event.

As for paying to go into an event sorry thats just not acceptable. Quite agree with above. I have played one version of Mir or another non stop since 2001 and never had to pay to go into an event!

We all have lower level chars but that doesnt say they will have any GP's at all or can barely get any as low caves do not have supers and champions.

This means a lot of players cannot take part in the event.

Feel very disgruntled that I cannot just pop into a lower cave with a noob as having no gps on noobs.

Maps are too small. There was nothing wrong with the maps you usually use for this Halloween event. To have made it more interesting you could have used like these new mobs on the map from last year.

So people are expected to camp out in the swamp map for a week or keep paying until they run out of gp's?

Where are wizards meant to get pets??? Retame them where??? Keep coming out and paying again???

Very disappointing this is basically not an event that allows everyone to take part.
Very disapointed with the event.

As for paying to go into an event sorry thats just not acceptable. Quite agree with above. I have played one version of Mir or another non stop since 2001 and never had to pay to go into an event!

We all have lower level chars but that doesnt say they will have any GP's at all or can barely get any as low caves do not have supers and champions.

This means a lot of players cannot take part in the event.

Feel very disgruntled that I cannot just pop into a lower cave with a noob as having no gps on noobs.

Maps are too small. There was nothing wrong with the maps you usually use for this Halloween event. To have made it more interesting you could have used like these new mobs on the map from last year.

So people are expected to camp out in the swamp map for a week or keep paying until they run out of gp's?

Where are wizards meant to get pets??? Retame them where??? Keep coming out and paying again???

Very disappointing this is basically not an event that allows everyone to take part.

I take a quick look at the 80 or so players online. Most have hundreds of GPs, some have thousands.

I am sorry you feel betrayed that you cannot just waltz around the game doing whatever you want on your high horse.

You are completely missing the point of the event cave. The event is ALL OVER MIR. The event cave is PREMIUM ENTRY. Deal with it.

Everyone was complaining that they didn't want one of the other two types of Halloween events, so we created something new, now you have a tantrum that its different.

No people are not expected to camp in the swamp, and even if you did, it would be perfectly possible to collect the GPs you need in the ruins.

If you keep leaving to tame pets then that is your prerogative. Learn to plan.

Everyone can and is taking part. People getting rich on runes outside of ruins while your "stuck" in there with your salt water.