Pets Vanished | The Legend of Mir

Pets Vanished


Active Member
So yesterday evening we killed a champion mount, I had 5 hulks. Didn't die, didn't lose my pets.

Logged in today and no hullks?

now for pets that you can only get once a week this kinda sucks, if you could look into it and address the issue.
Sorry but there is no logging for pets like that. The likely-hood is that they were taken or killed. It would be pretty unusual for them to just vanish
Sorry but there is no logging for pets like that. The likely-hood is that they were taken or killed. It would be pretty unusual for them to just vanish

Exactly why I posted 100% was not taken or killed. We was killing champion Mount had some legends spectating when mount was low I tted pets to utilise 5startaos drop buff. I rested them in bw got recalled back to champ mount while it was killed. Went to be untested pets then logged out. Came back the next day to no pets