There are two ways to block a player from pming you at the moment, you can...
- Put them on block list, which automatically hides all messages from you, but they are still able to send messages and you will see them if you unblock
- Actually block them with @private <player> which sends them a response saying you are blocking chat if they try to pm you
I prefer the second method as the first isn't really blocking, it's just hiding it. Unfortunately, the second method unblocks every time you relog. Can it be made that this block remains permanently when you set it.
- Put them on block list, which automatically hides all messages from you, but they are still able to send messages and you will see them if you unblock
- Actually block them with @private <player> which sends them a response saying you are blocking chat if they try to pm you
I prefer the second method as the first isn't really blocking, it's just hiding it. Unfortunately, the second method unblocks every time you relog. Can it be made that this block remains permanently when you set it.