Old P69 Noob, needs some advice | The Legend of Mir

Old P69 Noob, needs some advice

So Played about 10 years or so ago, jumped on arcadia and enjoying the nostalgia!

So Quick questions

! - Warr/wizz/tao Special quest where you get the jars from TT is that still working I've been at if for a whole day not been able to get any sap..

2 - Heros Quest, has anything changed or is it the same quest ported over from P69

Many Thanks in advance :D
Yeah the special ring quest still works mate, have to keep the jar in your bag and kill those GreatTree's around Mongchon.

Heroes quest is exactly the same too.. Welcome back!
Ah, righty oh.

SO with heros what lvl req do you reccomend ?

Go get 120 its easy enough few spells and ok kit. Log 2 spare chars and clear it all on your level 120, bring the spare chars all the way to KR with you and then you have 2 extra chars with heroes for in the future. You really should be fine getting to 120 without heroes quest complete.

- - - Updated - - -

Added on: No more money problems farmer quest will shoot your 2 spare chars beyond level 60.
Original account (stealthy)<<Just tag onto this, rather than make a new post.

Where do i combine the chym/dione/Fire drake rings?
Original account (stealthy)<<Just tag onto this, rather than make a new post.

Where do i combine the chym/dione/Fire drake rings?

i believe its a gamerscore quest, so u have to unlock the RingOfDestruction quest in from the quest npc in trist