Not earning GP / BP until reboot. | The Legend of Mir

Not earning GP / BP until reboot.


Active Member
I just did a sunken temple run with a 126 warrior , and did not get a single guild point or game point. Killed most of the bulls, some supers, champs, all bosses... nada...

Then I rebooted, and now I can get points again.... Kinda odd. Why wouldn't the server register them? My client rebooting shouldn't have anything to do with it....
Sounds strange, are you sure it's not just a visual glitch?
Try @playerinfo (can't remember if this command got removed or not) it should show you your stats including gamepoints etc.

You might have had system messages hidden in your chat settings by mistake.
Does not seem like a a visual glitch. The guild screen registered 0 guild points before and after I rebooted. As I was rebooting, a guildy killed a blue, then we had 2 guild points on the guild screen.

I though of the 'show / hide' things first, as I click them on accident regularly....
Suspect something else happened. Too far away from the kills maybe if you were rushing through
I was playing a warrior, who has to stand next to the boss to kill it..

But literally: Valkyrie, bull, bull, Thor, bull, bull, Forsetti, a blue, a red , a blue, bull, Hercules, bull : all nothing Then IKU ....nothing.. then reboot and killed a tyrant, and finally got points.

One thing I forgot to mention, was that I first killed ZTL and the RTZ subs, and noticed that I didn't get points.. then i realized that I just turned 126 the day before, and those bosses no longer count. That's when I cleared Sunken temple... (then IKU too, who did not give points, andI thought maybe my pet got the credit..)

Could killing the ZTL / RTZs first may have done something?
Sounds strange, are you sure it's not just a visual glitch?
Try @playerinfo (can't remember if this command got removed or not) it should show you your stats including gamepoints etc.

You might have had system messages hidden in your chat settings by mistake.
Cheers this is a good command to know for checking pk points