Next update ideas | The Legend of Mir

Next update ideas


Yes another of these posts from me. It here has been some great work recently with getting to lower end of the spectrum in order. I guess the next logical step is for some mid level content (when I was that lvl 140-155) bdp seems the only none depressing option (solo). I really think a reworked version of ST (maybe new maze route) for the mid level bracket would be a lovely nostalgic hit!

As for higher lvl content, something diverse that can’t be soloed!! My first thought is euro foxes “p
Yes another of these posts from me. It here has been some great work recently with getting to lower end of the spectrum in order. I guess the next logical step is for some mid level content (when I was that lvl 140-155) bdp seems the only none depressing option (solo). I really think a reworked version of ST (maybe new maze route) for the mid level bracket would be a lovely nostalgic hit!

As for higher lvl content, something diverse that can’t be soloed!! My first thought is euro foxes “p

I'd love to run ST or ZT again as a high end cave, turn one or the other like you say to a mid tier cave. Foxes I couldn't stand from Euro, hated that place ha... Even BugCave, that was a prime lvling spot back in Euro. One thing for certain, I'd like to see an increase in mobs again like we got with PB, constant chaos it's great.
I would say foxes and ZT for top end but “mid range” still needs something that doesn’t rely on gp imo, hence the ST suggestion.

Ppl didn’t like foxes in euro cos it was hard work. Would be nice to see a cave that really requires all 3 classes to work together to get through
I would say foxes and ZT for top end but “mid range” still needs something that doesn’t rely on gp imo, hence the ST suggestion.

I agree but I think this could be achieved with minor adjustments to existing caves, it would be nice if new caves being introduced were aimed at the higher levels who have already experienced all the existing caves and are itching for something new.

Some suggestions for such minor adjustments

- Caverns of the Lost Dragon... mobs here could be beefed up a bit, just like 5 levels or so, and 10% more dc/hp, and much more intense spawns. Would make it a nice transition place for people who want more than jungle 4F but aren't ready to solo higher level places yet
- Tomb of the Dead... significantly increase spawns in east and west
- Naga City 3F/4F... reduce the number of brutes would make this a much more viable levelling place
Thanks for the ideas. I think the next stop is to add more GP caves for all level ranges. Ones like Old Tomb etc
Thanks for the ideas. I think the next stop is to add more GP caves for all level ranges. Ones like Old Tomb etc

THere is no point adding or spending time adding GP caves for lvl 1-130. they have the whole of mir to explore without anybody getting in their way and also they can reach lvl 130 in less than 2 weeks.. so no point giving them a map thats hardly gonna be used.