Newish lower level loki | The Legend of Mir

Newish lower level loki


Active Member
Just curious on what some peoples thoughts are. It's lower level than mino bull/naga champion, Same HP as mino bull but can absolutely tear apart a group of people in that level range. Surely for a boss that drops level 120-126 items it shouldn't be this over tuned.

Just to be very specific, The damage it deals isnt THAT terrible. Its the frequency in witch he uses his skills. Aoe blasts every couple seconds then mass area attack along with its melee. If all 3 hit a single target its not very fun.
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Just curious on what some peoples thoughts are. It's lower level than mino bull/naga champion, Same HP as mino bull but can absolutely tear apart a group of people in that level range. Surely for a boss that drops level 120-126 items it shouldn't be this over tuned.

Just to be very specific, The damage it deals isnt THAT terrible. Its the frequency in witch he uses his skills. Aoe blasts every couple seconds then mass area attack along with its melee. If all 3 hit a single target its not very fun.

Every boss presents a different challenge. A decent group of low levels can kill baby Loki you just need to know how. With out giving it away, have you tried taking lots of drugs?
Every boss presents a different challenge. A decent group of low levels can kill baby Loki you just need to know how. With out giving it away, have you tried taking lots of drugs?

Oh I see this, It just doesn't really fall in line with any of the bosses starting from svaults troll king/mincer/slicer/dicer/naga champ/mino bull. I always assume difficultly should translate into the drops that it provides. That being apostate/heretic/zealot. With 139/132 war and a 136 tao we had difficulty. Meanwhile as the tao I can easily solo any of the other bosses in much less time.

I know that mir is rng but this thing is a beast and both the wars couldnt stay upright with me on wiz. I had to swap over to jump on tao to make it happen.
Oh I see this, It just doesn't really fall in line with any of the bosses starting from svaults troll king/mincer/slicer/dicer/naga champ/mino bull. I always assume difficultly should translate into the drops that it provides. That being apostate/heretic/zealot. With 139/132 war and a 136 tao we had difficulty. Meanwhile as the tao I can easily solo any of the other bosses in much less time.

I know that mir is rng but this thing is a beast and both the wars couldnt stay upright with me on wiz. I had to swap over to jump on tao to make it happen.

Unless its changed then that Loki can drop up to level 125 spell books and also holycrystal items .. its files used to span a wide range of rare items and runes
Unless its changed then that Loki can drop up to level 125 spell books and also holycrystal items .. its files used to span a wide range of rare items and runes

I'll have to get a few more kills in to compare it to other bosses. Old one seemed easier. Maybe it's just been a long while. So far I've just seen orc champ/stk alot more desirable as far as drops and difficulty are concerned.
Drops were not changed - Loki was always one of the favourite bosses for drops. Maybe his attacks need to be slowed down a pinch
Drops were not changed - Loki was always one of the favourite bosses for drops. Maybe his attacks need to be slowed down a pinch

Really the time between abilities is the only thing that needs adjusting. Has 1 off screen damage all witch hurts like fk but his aoe isn't terrible. Everything else is in line. He's rages and pops both aoes pretty much at the same time and sometimes constantly.