New Warrior update-Feedback | The Legend of Mir

New Warrior update-Feedback


Active Member
First off all, i would like to say thank you. You have clearly listened to suggestions and feedback from the warriors that play and thats really great to see.

I think every single change has been spot on and after playing around for afew hours tonight, it feels alot better to play my warrior. I had alot of fun. so id like to have a run through of what's changed and what maybe could be tweaked alittle :)

✓ Frost Frenzy Damage increased by 10% -Perfect change, can really feel the difference even if its only 10%. Frost frenzy feels spot on.
✓ Increased the range of Luring Cry, reduced its cooldown- I dont have Luring cry and ive yet to see it in AH/drop so i cant comment here.
✓ Increased the damage output of Halfmoon-Change for low levels, not really used it.
✓ Increased the damage output of Crosshalfmoon, added Dark damage-Great change, ive been switching between this and frost frenzy and it feels good. (procs bloodlust), so 3-5 mobs and your good using this, which alot of players asked for. Frost frenzy is still king for big backs)
✓ Lion Roar will paralyse monsters for up to 3 seconds (player level dependent)-Really liked this change, can see it been a game changer in PVP vs taos.
✓ Changed SamuraiTraining and Swordsmanship to both give Acc + 12, Agil + 14- Now this change although it looks small has been one of the best, extra ACC and agility is always welcome and just what we needed.

Going forward, I think warriors are 1 change away from the perfect balance. That Change imo comes from one or two things, first either increase warriors armour class somehow, OR allow frost frenzy/FireFrenzy to proc bloodlust.

I Mainly say this as there is bosses that tao's and wizards are soloing, with absolute zero danger of dying. Warriors YES might kill those bosses alot faster, but are always at the mercy of RNG. Para doesnt proc your getting 2 hit and rev'd/dead, Khazard/DragonKhazard and para ring can all go on a dry perioid and you can die VERY fast. (the extra acc/agility helps from the pervious buff btw)

The same with big lures and leveling/group hunting, Warriors have always been Tanks in mir, protecting Wizards/Taos from the danger of getting splat... Perhaps we could have some sort of turtle ability/Ignore pain skill? This skill could increase our defense by a massive amount but Cripple our damage for the duration its active. Luring Cry+Turtle ability would be amazing for group hunting and would really be an engaging dynamic in the game.

All in all, i think you've done an excellent job. (although abit slow on that bloodlust fix ;) )

Thank you for reading.
It’s amazing how a few little tweaks go a long way. As much as I would love to see more, all the wizzies and taos are going to feel far too hard done by as it is so would leave as is for now.

Great job GM team! Keep up the good work
It’s amazing how a few little tweaks go a long way. As much as I would love to see more, all the wizzies and taos are going to feel far too hard done by as it is so would leave as is for now.

Great job GM team! Keep up the good work

Thats just it, its up to them to express what they would like to see. Every game ive ever played that has been successful has always been those than continuely try to improve.

P.S Scorp/Warda if you would like an example of Bad RNG for warriors, look at my level 150 warrior trying to kill a naga elite tonight at around 10.30pm....(para ring didnt proc, i died in 3 hits with no bloodlust proc and dropped tele ring.... i use rev scroll, get full hp, i go in again thinking surely NO more bad rng.. NOPE no para procs and i die again and drop it AGAIN!) it cost me 20gg to get a fine grinding oil haha im abit drunk tonight but come on! oh and thats with 154 ACC :S
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you've pretty much hit the nail on the head, my luring cry is only lvl 1 but with the cd it just felt a waste of time when helping wiz with large aoe lures, new mobs would come in and you would be stuck on a 8 second cooldown, really is the perfect change to both range and cd.

Really love the idea of an ignore pain type skill, even if it was just a massive agility boost that lasted 10 seconds, could let us be a bit more cocky in large packs to help others etc.

Overall great changes, the only criticism I can give is next time please let us know whats going on fully behind the scenes, its been a very negative week on mir, negative vibes and depressed warriors, people putting all their gear on ah ( which i was all too happy to buy tbf ) and the player count online really reflected this, had we been informed this was happening it would have been a week of super happy broken warriors instead.

Thanks for the work and thanks for the update.
you've pretty much hit the nail on the head, my luring cry is only lvl 1 but with the cd it just felt a waste of time when helping wiz with large aoe lures, new mobs would come in and you would be stuck on a 8 second cooldown, really is the perfect change to both range and cd.

Really love the idea of an ignore pain type skill, even if it was just a massive agility boost that lasted 10 seconds, could let us be a bit more cocky in large packs to help others etc.

Overall great changes, the only criticism I can give is next time please let us know whats going on fully behind the scenes, its been a very negative week on mir, negative vibes and depressed warriors, people putting all their gear on ah ( which i was all too happy to buy tbf ) and the player count online really reflected this, had we been informed this was happening it would have been a week of super happy broken warriors instead.

Thanks for the work and thanks for the update.

absoultely spot on in regards to info behind the scenes. i dont like to making angry threads(usally when im drunk HAH).
...please let us know whats going on fully behind the scenes, its been a very negative week on mir, negative vibes and depressed warriors, people putting all their gear on ah ( which i was all too happy to buy tbf ) and the player count online really reflected this, had we been informed this was happening it would have been a week of super happy broken warriors instead...

And spoil the surprise? :sneakiness:

If you thought for one minute we'd just up and leave you all suffering, then you're playing on the wrong game!

Think I mentioned something about not spoiling the surprise and talking about "how much feedback gets picked up on silently under your noses":

Serious note though, we appreciate everyone's patience and understanding on the matter and apologise for any inconvenience.
We don't deliberately hold off on bug fix reports to be lazy or spiteful, like I mentioned in a previous post, sometimes the answers aren't always a simple "be fixed tomorrow". On this occasion, we wanted to include other fixes and tweaks in one fell swoop rather than multiple updates.
And spoil the surprise? :sneakiness:

If you thought for one minute we'd just up and leave you all suffering, then you're playing on the wrong game!

Think I mentioned something about not spoiling the surprise and talking about "how much feedback gets picked up on silently under your noses":

Serious note though, we appreciate everyone's patience and understanding on the matter and apologise for any inconvenience.
We don't deliberately hold off on bug fix reports to be lazy or spiteful, like I mentioned in a previous post, sometimes the answers aren't always a simple "be fixed tomorrow". On this occasion, we wanted to include other fixes and tweaks in one fell swoop rather than multiple updates.

Hey I made some nice pieces of kit at firesale prices so from now on lets roll everything out this way :)

Some really well tuned updates, thank you.