new update | The Legend of Mir

new update

You know this is a game, right? By definition it is to have fun. If I want to do something useful I'll not be playing a game. Glad to clear that up for you :)

No this is a forum, to get information, help and suggest the GM about the server. If you want to chat or comment for fun go on Facebook or Instagram. Glad to clear that up for you.

This one's for you Mr Goodfella!

My love for you is like the most loving pepper,
Your face reminds me of stunning aardvarks,
Together, we are like ham and balsamic vinegar.

Oh darling Rolk,
My loving pepper,
My stunning cabbage,
The perfect companion to my ham soul.

Roses are red,
Cornflowers are blue,
I like pizza,
But not as much as I love bouncing with you!

Oh darling Rolk,
Your cheeks are like optimistic rakes on a winter day,
You're like the most adorable estate agent to ever walk London.

Your stunning aardvark face,
Your balsamic vinegar soul,
Your optimistic cheeks,
Your adorable estate agent being...

How could I look at another when our loving pepper love is so strong?

I love you Mr Goodfella!
View attachment 346

This one's for you Mr Goodfella!

My love for you is like the most loving pepper,
Your face reminds me of stunning aardvarks,
Together, we are like ham and balsamic vinegar.

Oh darling Rolk,
My loving pepper,
My stunning cabbage,
The perfect companion to my ham soul.

Roses are red,
Cornflowers are blue,
I like pizza,
But not as much as I love bouncing with you!

Oh darling Rolk,
Your cheeks are like optimistic rakes on a winter day,
You're like the most adorable estate agent to ever walk London.

Your stunning aardvark face,
Your balsamic vinegar soul,
Your optimistic cheeks,
Your adorable estate agent being...

How could I look at another when our loving pepper love is so strong?

I love you Mr Goodfella!

I am sad you do not want to talk. I like to talk. Please don't leave me like this. It brings back so many memories of that time I thought my cat ran away but I found it 4 hours later stuck inside the kitchen bin because it went looking for my old pizza. Don't do this to me. I love you
I tried to make friends with Lolina after I was pked, and I received the same hostility and ignorance!!

Why do these people reject our love and friendship?
I tried to make friends with Lolina after I was pked, and I received the same hostility and ignorance!!

Why do these people reject our love and friendship?

Lolina are one of the worst, dodgiest, immature with a mind of 13years old player in the game. i wouldn't waste a breath on him.
Lolina are one of the worst, dodgiest, immature with a mind of 13years old player in the game. i wouldn't waste a breath on him.

I'm going to take lolina and rolk to my love nest and you are invited! Let's have a party. Bring snacks.
goodfellas are just messing this game up people are quiting due to them and they think it is funny ...... do they want this game to die ohh yea they do ..... i hope the gm will make all walls like sw for wars not adding time on others ....