thanks guys. great warm community!
i definitely know it's an addictive game, since this was a huge part of my childhood
ok, i will solo level until 120 as suggested. I guess rebirth request isn't really necessary to do?
It depends what type of gameplay you are looking for
Some people like to just grind levels, some like to focus on bosses and items, some like doing all quests/storyline, some are just in it for the pvp aspect.
Personally I like a bit of everything, keeps it interesting!
The rebirth quest (also known as hero quest) takes about an hour and isn't essential but it does offer 2 rewards. One is that it unlocks access to hero village where there is an NPC for special repairing. Secondly is the farmer in bw is the main quest giver for low/mid levels, and he only offers 1/3 of his quests initially, finishing rebirth will unlock all of the farmer's quests.
The rewards for most of the quests are just exp and/or a bit of Gold. Bet the exp is only really significant for really low levels, you're already at the stage where they won't be much use any more, but they are still fun if you're into quests and aren't bothered about the reward!
A lot of players look for shortcuts, you could go out hunting with a high level player and get to 120 in a few hours, but you'd know nothing about the server's in's and out's etc. The server is full of level 130's who have never killed a single thing, just let everyone else do it for them, and they are utterly useless and get bored and quit because they can't do anything themselves.
As advised above, I'd strongly recommend doing the work yourself until about 120, it won't take too long, depending on your commitment level you should be able to solo from 84 to 120 in 30-40 hours or so, obviously how long that is in real terms depends on how much you play per day. That process really is the best way to learn the game. Explore, try different caves, die a few times, it's all part of the learning process. There are a lot of similarities between this and original mir, but a massive amount of new stuff too which can take a lot to get your head around. I hadn't played mir since Dragon server and just joined here 15 months ago, and I'm still learning!
Ii much rather have by my side on a group hunt a level 120 who's got there by themselves than a clueless 140 (of which there are plenty)
Pm me ingame any time if you have any specific questions. My char is almost always logged in /zade so if I don't reply it probably sleeping or at work
Good luck!