New Player questions | The Legend of Mir

New Player questions

Hi all I’m new to the server and I am loving it, great server but I have a few questions if anyone can help.
Why don’t mobs seem to drop items anymore?
What drops the level 55-80 skills?
What drops items for over level 40? (Level 85 wearing 33 armour)
What’s the best way to farm gold

Thanks in advance 😀
Hi all I’m new to the server and I am loving it, great server but I have a few questions if anyone can help.
Why don’t mobs seem to drop items anymore?
What drops the level 55-80 skills?
What drops items for over level 40? (Level 85 wearing 33 armour)
What’s the best way to farm gold

Thanks in advance 

I appreciate things are not very clear for new players (the game is so big it must be very confusing).

Where have you been hunting?

On the whole, skills will drop from monsters that are in the level range of the skill. Same with items however monster drops at lower levels may be a little out of date now hence you not getting much while leveling fast. Once upon a time level 80 was a two year achievement so you can imagine the difference in number of monsters killed so far!
I appreciate things are not very clear for new players (the game is so big it must be very confusing).

Where have you been hunting?

On the whole, skills will drop from monsters that are in the level range of the skill. Same with items however monster drops at lower levels may be a little out of date now hence you not getting much while leveling fast. Once upon a time level 80 was a two year achievement so you can imagine the difference in number of monsters killed so far!

Thanks, so it’s better to level another character slowly then speed leveling to get spells for the levels I need?
Also the Freeunder120xp needs typing in every time u level
Thanks, so it’s better to level another character slowly then speed leveling to get spells for the levels I need?
Also the Freeunder120xp needs typing in every time u level

Yeah this is done intentionally to avoid players receiving a timed buff which would more than likely just end up with folks activating it at level 99 99.99% for a full period and thus receiving "free boosts" beyond the advertised level 100. Having it be activated per level up to that point eliminates this.
I appreciate things are not very clear for new players (the game is so big it must be very confusing).

Where have you been hunting?

On the whole, skills will drop from monsters that are in the level range of the skill. Same with items however monster drops at lower levels may be a little out of date now hence you not getting much while leveling fast. Once upon a time level 80 was a two year achievement so you can imagine the difference in number of monsters killed so far!
Been doing the farmers quest to get the levels
Welcome, glad you're enjoying it!

What class are you?

There are plenty skill books that are not essential to levelling, so if you tell us your class I'm sure me or someone else could advise which ones you don't need.

For items, as Scorpian explained already, items do drop, but the rates are designed for when it took a lot longer to reach your level, so things are a bit out of sync now that levelling as massively faster than it was. Normally you can find items for your level in NPC stores, but these vanish on reboot which doesn't happen often but unfortunately for you there was just one on Sunday so there won't be much stock at the moment.

For gold, a neat trick for players around your level is to visit Vailutra Highlands. Use the portal to visit Vailutra town, then run straight up, look on the map for where it's marked "Vailutra Pass". Wear a clear ring! Once in there, you'll find GoatmanRogue and GoatmanBrute, these will not see you while you have clear ring on, so you're perfectly safe to ignore them. GoatmanWitch will see you, but they are slow, so you can easily run away from them. Run around the map and find Urns. Hit them and they will drop some gold for you, it's a random amount which on average will be a few thousand, but can be up to 50k.

When you find yourself able to kill a bit faster with better items, try visiting Tongs Tomb via Arcane Wall (use the portal). In there the tongs are very easy for you, kill them as fast as you can and pick up all the foods that drop, when your bag is full go to Trader (most towns have 1) and sell all the foods, you'll get 4k for each one, so once you can kill really fast you'll start making good amounts of gold there in no time.
Thanks for all your advice, the people on this server are so nice. I’m a war and a wiz both 82. Really enjoying the game and just noticed items are in shops, just mainly need skills not for both as the damage cap can be a pain but I’m learning.
How do the pet thing work? The ones u give food 2
Thanks for all your advice, the people on this server are so nice. I’m a war and a wiz both 82. Really enjoying the game and just noticed items are in shops, just mainly need skills not for both as the damage cap can be a pain but I’m learning.
How do the pet thing work? The ones u give food 2

There's a full guide here

However I'll give you a basic summary...

You can buy (from shop or player) or find yourself, an arcamon. You can have as many as you like, but can only spawn one at a time.

Every time you spawn it, it loses a life, when it's at 0 lives you need to go to pet store in woomyon to refresh it's lives (costs a very small amount of gold)

Ctrl-A cycles it's attack mode, when you want it to get hungry keep it on rest mode, then it gains 1 hunger every 4 or 5 minutes or so.

When it's hunger is at 5/5 it won't accept any food, when it drops you can give it food that you find, it's best to use the lowest level food you can as that levels it quicker.

Different foods make the pet have different stats, a lot of people just feed them anything, as levelling them up is the main thing, but those with time on their hands feed them specific foods to get a slightly more effective pet.

Most evolutions happen automatically at certain levels, but some require expensive evolution stones, you'll see info on that in the guide linked above

Hope that helps a little bit :)