new PB Release | The Legend of Mir

new PB Release


Active Member
While we are waiting to get a date of the new past Bichon cintent being released this month a thought I'd make a thread to ask what people are expecting and wanting fron this release

Personaly I'm hoping on some new worth while high lvl pets for wiz's to tame

Alot of ppl says they used to love PB so a new higher content would be good , personaly I can't remember much about PB apart from I'm sure that's were winged omissions came from so I reckon that's potential new pets ;)

P.s I can not confirm or deny that this thread was made to encourage the GM's to get this release kept on schedule ;)
I propose to let a few bosses to be tamed for "poor" wizzies! They are strong enough with thos hulk, they lvl fast, what in the world you want? Me, as tao, i have 4 pets and arround 3 spells for hitting mobs, wizz's have 5 strong pets and plenty spells for lures etc....its enough tbh.
I want to be able to log on and go tame worth while pet instead of having to try schedule my Tuesday night arounder getting online for hulks lol
I think “new PB” would be a great opportunity to make a progressive cave with mobs getting harder as you go deeper with the ability to use tele ring and recall set upto the point were u need a group to bash the last few floors before a mega boss
As a tao with access to a wiz trying to boss hunt without pets on a wiz is a chore. They definitely need pets to solo bosses down.
Can't find the post but I remember way back when p69 was still relevant scorp saying wiz isn't designed for bosses. Their ment for Mass killing and clearing support. This was when I was the highest wiz on the server before 90% of the skills here were implemented.

Mir was originally designed this way, you can see it over the course of so many servers. Pets were never ment to be leaned on so heavily and were always more a spice rather than a main dish.

I'm all for balance but every class is ment to do something different.
I propose to let a few bosses to be tamed for "poor" wizzies! They are strong enough with thos hulk, they lvl fast, what in the world you want? Me, as tao, i have 4 pets and arround 3 spells for hitting mobs, wizz's have 5 strong pets and plenty spells for lures etc....its enough tbh.

Mate you're a great guy, but less of the hatred of wizzies please. You say it's so much easier for wiz but have you tried one properly? It's a LOT more work than you make out. Taos have a far easier time when it comes to bosses.
I'd like to see this too, I can never get online 6pm on Tuesdays, family just make it impossible for it to happen. Only way I can get them is by stealing them, shit move but my only option. I'd love a Frost version of COP, will never happen but would be ace tbh. I'd like a high Mob count similar to Crystalline, get some sick lures on the go and it makes it challenging and fun. Looking forward to it tbh.
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On and off at current due to work commitments. A revamped PB would be nice, id still like to see a high lev rdd kind of dungeon also.
Our overall targets are to release the new PB way before the new Easter event, then release a new ST before summer.
Those are targets and my aim is terrible.. We will do our best for you :excitement:
Our overall targets are to release the new PB way before the new Easter event, then release a new ST before summer.
Those are targets and my aim is terrible.. We will do our best for you :excitement:

Good job m8. Looking forward for the mass behind wall kill @ st 7th.

I remember getting my first dragon slayer @ St year Back in 2003.

And regards classes complain,

wizards MC is a must pets are no need just inferno and run around job done. Like ( Esme)

Taos are OPP with there pets and a good tao can own any 1 and anything. Like ( 5startao )

Warriors need to get Dark damage back like before and everything will be balanced. Like ( Maranello )
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Our overall targets are to release the new PB way before the new Easter event, then release a new ST before summer.
Those are targets and my aim is terrible.. We will do our best for you :excitement:

Cant wait , wouldnt complain if it was released after Easter to be honest! Especially if it's coming with a soft level cap increase.

Wizz want everything handing to them all the time lol coz they arent as strong as warriors at most bosses, when in actual fact warriors are pretty pap in pvp these days and wizz are over powered hence why theres about 20 of them at castle fights. Gotta have some give and take on classes.
Our overall targets are to release the new PB way before the new Easter event, then release a new ST before summer.
Those are targets and my aim is terrible.. We will do our best for you :excitement:

What about my robbed account think i have the QNA plz scorp

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And guys plz dont tell me to move onto arc.. spent too much time in p69 lol can't just quit when i been lvling for 2 years (kitting) unlucky me my highest lvl wizz was on my warr's account too(ShadowLegend-170)