New new upgrades | The Legend of Mir

New new upgrades


Active Member
Sixth upgrade attempt on evil Mir slayer
First attempt since the changes last reboot to make it better.
I salvaged a evil Mir weapon and got a design 49%
I had a super mega rare artifact essence in store for ages purity 96%
Used them on the fresh em slayer.
Slayer went red
I’m super excited
Opens 2 stars with a couple added dc

This is a massive waste of gg, time, effort and materials and just everything. It’s massively demoralising Shouldn’t be happening with such rare materials.
Sixth upgrade attempt on evil Mir slayer
First attempt since the changes last reboot to make it better.
I salvaged a evil Mir weapon and got a design 49%
I had a super mega rare artifact essence in store for ages purity 96%
Used them on the fresh em slayer.
Slayer went red
I’m super excited
Opens 2 stars with a couple added dc

This is a massive waste of gg, time, effort and materials and just everything. It’s massively demoralising Shouldn’t be happening with such rare materials.

Gutted for you m8. I’ve stopped crafting until further notice from Mr Andy.
Sounds like your materials are too low level

Your making players angry and making them quit. the game is only interesting when players are active. It be much appreciated if you don’t reply just read the forum and fix the damn issue.
Your making players angry and making them quit. the game is only interesting when players are active. It be much appreciated if you don’t reply just read the forum and fix the damn issue.

Your last post was asking for us to give you more information. What is it?

I can confirm that there is nothing broken that needs fixing.
its rough seeing people get so toxic when I'm so appreciative of the work that gets done for this game still, but I also understand that a lot of people spend a lot their money on gg just to pump into crafting and if you get bad rng when you just dropped £50 and you hear of crafting issues from a patch you're going to assume it was that.

Perhaps making crafting less of a mystery and having the mechanics much more clearly laid out would help people know they just got fucked even though they stacked the deck perfectly.
Your last post was asking for us to give you more information. What is it?

I can confirm that there is nothing broken that needs fixing.

I asked for TDB to be brought back to its original state which didn’t happen obv and on top BL and crafting got messed up and so did all other spells in relation to DARK am sure you seen all the threads regarding the matter. Anyways I look forward to the fix and Hoping no one quits otherwise i would have to PK guildies >.<

And how do you confirm? When am the player who plays everyday and knows his kit and capability.....
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This thread was about crafting upgrades, I just wanted to confirm that after a lot of testing there is nothing wrong with it.

As for TDB, it hits twice for 70% of your DC plus any dark damage, or PA you have, plus Twin Drake fire damage. You then deduct any monster defenses of which it ignores 80% AC
This thread was exclusively about crafting, so he's saying there's nothing about crafting that needs fixing. Bloodlust discussion is in the other thread

Well back to crafting, u say too low lvl I used 4 star design and 5 star ess lvl 155 and lvl 156 on a 150 helm, the only stat that added to helm was MC +6. This is like the umpteenth time I've used decent Matt's above item lvl and still getting shit. I seriously give up with pumping GG into a system that's bollox.
Essence and designs don't have levels, they never have had levels and they never will have levels. Do you know the origin of the materials?
Essence and designs don't have levels, they never have had levels and they never will have levels. Do you know the origin of the materials?

By levels I mean purity and detail as those figures are normally based around the item lvl being salvaged

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And yes the origin of the items was from 158 items that were salvaged
Let's look at this from a numbers point

Let's say potentially you have a maximum volume/quality of 120. So 240 combined.

Our number 240 Max

So we have an essence volume 40% and a design 40% combined total of a possible 80. So what we are now looking at is 80/240. 33% of the max/best ingredients. Then you figure in how exactly other variables work (which no one knows?) Like how the purity/detail effects the upgrade. For all we know the system could be tuned to lower your potential stat return based on materials having a higher purity/detail than the item. And the closer the materials are to the actual item lowering your potential return. Along with Slag&fade.

I'm not trying to say this is how it works just pointing out that from a math perspective the upgrades most of the people are crying about are sub par at best. Looking over Wardra's testing is evident enough that using the best possible materials will and should return the best possible returns. Using mediocre combinations will be un-predictable.
Looking at an earlier post Andy or warda can't remember who, asked about if items used for salvage were 10 levels above. I've worked the math to at least try and get 4 or 5 star, but to get only 2 star item that only added MC from the Matt's I used is nowhere near working out. I have tried this multiple times. But the point I'm seeing here is your gunna need to waste 2 very good items at max stats to get anything that's anywhere near compete ready to kit already in-game, and then the rng kicks in and u don't get anything anywhere near. When u changed salvage system in the first place u said it was made easier. Slight play on words there cause yes easier to get a success but what's the point if it's gunna turn out shit anyway.

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So anywayy point is I'm not using the crafting system anymore because imo it's not worth it and won't ever be worth it while it's like this

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Bottom line is , it's not going to be worth crafting anymore. Where as I used to buy GG solely for that purpose I'm not anymore and as for other players I believe they all thinking the same. We all played and enjoyed using he old crafting system , don't know why u made it so majority of server don't want to spend out on crafting anymore.

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Oops didn't mean to make that twice

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#bring back old crafting system
Looking at an earlier post Andy or warda can't remember who, asked about if items used for salvage were 10 levels above. I've worked the math to at least try and get 4 or 5 star, but to get only 2 star item that only added MC from the Matt's I used is nowhere near working out. I have tried this multiple times. But the point I'm seeing here is your gunna need to waste 2 very good items at max stats to get anything that's anywhere near compete ready to kit already in-game, and then the rng kicks in and u don't get anything anywhere near. When u changed salvage system in the first place u said it was made easier. Slight play on words there cause yes easier to get a success but what's the point if it's gunna turn out shit anyway.

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So anywayy point is I'm not using the crafting system anymore because imo it's not worth it and won't ever be worth it while it's like this

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Bottom line is , it's not going to be worth crafting anymore. Where as I used to buy GG solely for that purpose I'm not anymore and as for other players I believe they all thinking the same. We all played and enjoyed using he old crafting system , don't know why u made it so majority of server don't want to spend out on crafting anymore.

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Oops didn't mean to make that twice

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#bring back old crafting system

Please go check the results from extensive testing.

Only time I see poor returns (ignoring stats is when poor materials was used and even then there was a 5 star return from a 1 star upgrade.
Sixth upgrade attempt on evil Mir slayer
I had a super mega rare artifact essence in store for ages purity 96%

This is a massive waste of gg, time, effort and materials and just everything. It’s massively demoralising Shouldn’t be happening with such rare materials.

This was your problem.. from experience I can tell you that I have always had either bad results or no results at all from using an old design or essence.. specially if there has been a reboot..

Best results were gained from using an ess or design thats less than 48hrs old

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Essence and designs don't have levels, they never have had levels and they never will have levels. Do you know the origin of the materials?

omg man... they do.. Purity and details on ess and designs are considered as levels... u cannot design a lvl 140 item if the purity and details on ess and design are less than 140.. it will always fail.. and you can only get those 140+ purity and details if you salv a lvl 140+ item...
Sounds like your materials are too low level

Hang the fuck on a minute. So this reply says my materials was too low level. Your next reply says materials don’t have levels, never have never will.
The origin of my items was a 174 item and a 170 weapon lol.

Think u can see I’ve had enough now by how much I’m playing.

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Adios negros!
Crafting lives matter!!!!