New items and where is this server heading? | The Legend of Mir

New items and where is this server heading?


Active Member
Well I’ve been waiting since pb update for ancient items. Since the npc in hero’s town said they are coming soon. A year ago we was promised a new tier of items.
After seeing what I’ve seen of zt and the drops I’m feeling totally mugged off. The carrot had been dangling for ages and it’s getting massively boring. Now I learned that cele hc reju don’t drop after past bichon. The idea is that plain items with mythical stats will replace the rare item teirs like hc and celestial lol. The NEW orc weapons are worse than two year old celestial kit.
If the server is heading this way and the ultra high value items are not coming back to game then I and my friends are gonna get extremely bored. Becoming a communist server. Mir ain’t fucking left wing. Trying to make everybody the same sort of lvl and kit is NOT GONNA WORK IM AFRAID WE WILL ALL QUIT and you’ll be left with ur left wing care bears
I was a bit disappointed with the new items dropping in ZT. Too simple and boring imo. One or two added ac/amc/sc/dc etc doesn't work in this game because crafting. Most people will still have 150 items of more use than the new kit.

I would really like to see some new items that maybe have less SC or AC but provide something else. I don't think this is easy but I think if people shared their ideas there would be some very usefull ones.

Perhaps some new kit that has considerable less DC/SC/MC but has a lot more defensive stats?

Agree with DS on that Ancient Items would be great...cos then I can afford peopls 2nd hand Cele gear :p
I think a lot of people will agree with you. But personally I'm happy enough just having somewhere new to hunt, it's quite a fun map.
I think a lot of people will agree with you. But personally I'm happy enough just having somewhere new to hunt, it's quite a fun map.

The cave itself it’s the best update since crystal temple. I totally love the cave it’s freaking awesome. It’s what I’m going there for that bothers me. I spent the last 5 months farming orcs harddddd everyday. Killed 500+ eye of Gruumsh 50+ orogs and 20+ Gruumshs and got fk all. No rare items. No celes. Nothing of any real value just a massive waste of my time and money to progress 0.1% in the game.
Guess we’ll have to wait and see what this 178 kit is.
100% agree with DS. Unfortunately the server count will suffer imo.

The map updates when they come are always very good I feel. Its just lack of them that's the issue. Getting a char to lvl 140 in a week is not a challenge any more. using Zade's map list, there are 47 caves 0-140 and only 12 after that.....
Items are all too similar, same formula is always used +2/3 lvls +1-2 of each stat.

Whats the fix? More maps for 150 +, even if they were not as polished and the current updates i rly dont think ppl would care. Grab and old cave and copy paste stats and drop files.
Items: next lvl uber set required as cele is common as muck now. A new range of items with very different stats to the normal. We need some extreme statted items, remember ur giving up 70 or dc ac amc on orbs up cele items, so why not chuck in some curve balls. a brace with silly high acc for example. Dare to experiment! What's the worst that can happen? if something is op then nerf it! 1 person will cry cos they had an op item for a week
theres a few noob items that id like to see revamped for us high lvl noobs, i think the ones im thinking of are the ring/brace of shifta, had relatively low SC/DC/MC but pretty decent AC/AMC or as Al said maybe some higher versions of the Extreme/Supreme braces and make them rare equiptment. Ancient items would be nice too tho ;p
I think a lot of people will agree with you. But personally I'm happy enough just having somewhere new to hunt, it's quite a fun map.

ZT is amazing. A lot of fun and it is a challenge.

I feel as a solo tao they lay-out is very similar to orc. Thin paths with no room to make poison lures. Very slow going and one-directional. In the maze taos are also too slow to heal and kill whereas wars/wizzies seam to manage this much easier. PB is still my favourite place solo as there is enough room to make lures and kill more than a few mobs at a time. That being said ZT is great in a group, I'd happily spend most of my day here if I had a couple of people to go with
Well I’ve been waiting since pb update for ancient items. Since the npc in hero’s town said they are coming soon. A year ago we was promised a new tier of items.
After seeing what I’ve seen of zt and the drops I’m feeling totally mugged off. The carrot had been dangling for ages and it’s getting massively boring. Now I learned that cele hc reju don’t drop after past bichon. The idea is that plain items with mythical stats will replace the rare item teirs like hc and celestial lol. The NEW orc weapons are worse than two year old celestial kit.
If the server is heading this way and the ultra high value items are not coming back to game then I and my friends are gonna get extremely bored. Becoming a communist server. Mir ain’t fucking left wing. Trying to make everybody the same sort of lvl and kit is NOT GONNA WORK IM AFRAID WE WILL ALL QUIT and you’ll be left with ur left wing care bears

Agree with this, we appreciate what your doing for Mir, but think most feel we are being herded at the top end of the game, the amount of time daily and money have put in, think most were expecting more, ROTA has a vast world to explore, think most people were expecting a new world with areas, maps, dungeons to explore for 170+, and that would of brought in the long awaited Ancient items. Orc weapons really do need the basic stats improved they are quite poor and the quest for second upgrade is actually impossible.
theres a few noob items that id like to see revamped for us high lvl noobs, i think the ones im thinking of are the ring/brace of shifta, had relatively low SC/DC/MC but pretty decent AC/AMC or as Al said maybe some higher versions of the Extreme/Supreme braces and make them rare equiptment. Ancient items would be nice too tho ;p

Definitely agree with you on this. Love to see old school supreme braces back ingame.
So I don't really understand what's happening here, genuinely. Thread starts off wanting one kit to rule them all, then says says we are trying to make everyone wear the same kit? You want more variety which is exactly why we added Mythic items, yet you want one set to rule them all - completely contradictory?

Look at player kits now - a mish mash of all different varieties all over different levels from different regions.
Compare to two years ago - Everyone in a full Artefact Holy Crystal set (except for those transitioning to Celestial kit) - whole server, 2 kits

theres a few noob items that id like to see revamped for us high lvl noobs, i think the ones im thinking of are the ring/brace of shifta, had relatively low SC/DC/MC but pretty decent AC/AMC or as Al said maybe some higher versions of the Extreme/Supreme braces and make them rare equiptment. Ancient items would be nice too tho ;p
So there's a case of what Guardian was for, sacrifice vengeance or whatever and go with defence. I didn't realise people had much interest in the Agil/Acc items but could make a good mythic stat if that is so.

The map updates when they come are always very good I feel. Its just lack of them that's the issue. Getting a char to lvl 140 in a week is not a challenge any more. using Zade's map list, there are 47 caves 0-140 and only 12 after that.....
Items are all too similar, same formula is always used +2/3 lvls +1-2 of each stat.

That's roughly the same number of caves per level before and after 140. Why is 140+ so much more important than 100+ was back in 2014?
Kits have a regular increment in stats which is in line roughly throughout the whole game. If the next region kit isn't an improvement then why bother using it, if its too good then power escalation gets ridiculous - which would be great if we wanted to drive the game into an endgame hole.

As we've said before, Celestial kit was supposed to be the end game kit but we since had a community revival and planned a load of new content. These rare kits are usually based on items 12 levels higher and Celestial set was actually released quite prematurely, it would have normally have been released with Orc City or King Obould.

The only thing I am really understanding here is; too predictable: too boring!
The only thing I am really understanding here is; too predictable: too boring!

kind of, I don't have cele arm or weap but I know if I joined one of the top 2 guilds ingame id have both within a month probably a lot less, im not a top tier player and enjoying bumming about as a noob but fact remains if I wanted best kit I could get it super quick.... boring

Needa introduce an insane map where the sub is incredibly hard to kill with a v low chance of dropping new top tier kit and a super hard boss where chances are higher im thinking back to when you introduced blue dungeon

infact Grummsh is probably perfect for example if one in 100 orogs or 1 in 20 grummsh drop ancient items that's the kind of rarity everyone wants, however these bosses need to be harder to get to and harder to kill.
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kind of, I don't have cele arm or weap but I know if I joined one of the top 2 guilds ingame id have both within a month probably a lot less, im not a top tier player and enjoying bumming about as a noob but fact remains if I wanted best kit I could get it super quick.... boring

Needa introduce an insane map where the sub is incredibly hard to kill with a v low chance of dropping new top tier kit and a super hard boss where chances are higher im thinking back to when you introduced blue dungeon

infact Grummsh is probably perfect for example if one in 100 orogs or 1 in 20 grummsh drop ancient items that's the kind of rarity everyone wants, however these bosses need to be harder to get to and harder to kill.

Spot on imo

The new big boss was killed in 2 days of zt opening...
Few curve ball suggestions :p

Some assumptions to take before you read further these suggestions are based on new item sets for 165+ level however these could be used for lower level if you take the stats down a bit etc.

These sets are based on a idea of allowing players to take either gambled risks on high attack stats but less defence stats or vice versa high defence stats but less attack stats.

So here goes....

-Additional base attack stats added to a jewellery only set(brace/rings/necky) but extremely less defence stats
Fire Attack Set
Base Fire Damage 3.0% +10-10dc/sc/mc (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Resists cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

Ice Attack Set
Base Ice Damage 3.0% +10-10dc/sc/mc (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Resists cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

and so forth with Ice/Holy/Dark/Lightening etc

-Additonal base defensive stats added to a jewellery only set(brace/rings/necky) but extremely less attack stats
Fire Resist Set
Base Fire Resist 3.0% +10-10ac/mac (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Atacks cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 dc/sc/mc (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

Ice Resist Set
Base Ice Resist 3.0% +10-10ac/mac (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Atacks cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

and so forth with Ice/Holy/Dark/Lightening etc

-Attack stat only items- this could be done with a range of items again make these items so normal defensive stats cant be added either via orbs or upgrades or both. These items would have to have larger attack stat ratio to make these worth the risk of using but again not too far to upset the balance.

DC Ring
65-75 MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

SC Ring
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MC Ring
65-75 MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

DC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

SC Brace
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

-Defensive stat only items- this could be done with a range of items again make these items so normal attack stats cant be added either via orbs or upgrades or both. These items would have to have larger defence stat ratio to make these worth the risk of using but again not too far to upset the balance.

AC Ring 65-75 AC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No DC/SC/MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MAC Ring
65-75 AMC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No DC/SC/MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

AC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MAC Brace
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

The ways I've set out above can be adapted and changed to both fit into the current item scaling system and will easily generate a huge wide array of diferent kits and allow for some more exciting gameplay with some people to go on all a all our attack stat kit some going for all out defence while others may try to balance bits from both either way I think it would definetely spice things up alot more.
Few curve ball suggestions :p

Some assumptions to take before you read further these suggestions are based on new item sets for 165+ level however these could be used for lower level if you take the stats down a bit etc.

These sets are based on a idea of allowing players to take either gambled risks on high attack stats but less defence stats or vice versa high defence stats but less attack stats.

So here goes....

-Additional base attack stats added to a jewellery only set(brace/rings/necky) but extremely less defence stats
Fire Attack Set
Base Fire Damage 3.0% +10-10dc/sc/mc (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Resists cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

Ice Attack Set
Base Ice Damage 3.0% +10-10dc/sc/mc (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Resists cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

and so forth with Ice/Holy/Dark/Lightening etc

-Additonal base defensive stats added to a jewellery only set(brace/rings/necky) but extremely less attack stats
Fire Resist Set
Base Fire Resist 3.0% +10-10ac/mac (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Atacks cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 dc/sc/mc (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

Ice Resist Set
Base Ice Resist 3.0% +10-10ac/mac (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Atacks cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)

and so forth with Ice/Holy/Dark/Lightening etc

-Attack stat only items- this could be done with a range of items again make these items so normal defensive stats cant be added either via orbs or upgrades or both. These items would have to have larger attack stat ratio to make these worth the risk of using but again not too far to upset the balance.

DC Ring
65-75 MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

SC Ring
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MC Ring
65-75 MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

DC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

SC Brace
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

-Defensive stat only items- this could be done with a range of items again make these items so normal attack stats cant be added either via orbs or upgrades or both. These items would have to have larger defence stat ratio to make these worth the risk of using but again not too far to upset the balance.

AC Ring 65-75 AC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No DC/SC/MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MAC Ring
65-75 AMC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No DC/SC/MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

AC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

MAC Brace
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded

The ways I've set out above can be adapted and changed to both fit into the current item scaling system and will easily generate a huge wide array of diferent kits and allow for some more exciting gameplay with some people to go on all a all our attack stat kit some going for all out defence while others may try to balance bits from both either way I think it would definetely spice things up alot more.

those sets sound cool , uriel/zakkiel sets bigger n better versions :p
So I don't really understand what's happening here, genuinely. Thread starts off wanting one kit to rule them all, then says says we are trying to make everyone wear the same kit? You want more variety which is exactly why we added Mythic items, yet you want one set to rule them all - completely contradictory?

Look at player kits now - a mish mash of all different varieties all over different levels from different regions.
Compare to two years ago - Everyone in a full Artefact Holy Crystal set (except for those transitioning to Celestial kit) - whole server, 2 kits

So there's a case of what Guardian was for, sacrifice vengeance or whatever and go with defence. I didn't realise people had much interest in the Agil/Acc items but could make a good mythic stat if that is so.

That's roughly the same number of caves per level before and after 140. Why is 140+ so much more important than 100+ was back in 2014?
Kits have a regular increment in stats which is in line roughly throughout the whole game. If the next region kit isn't an improvement then why bother using it, if its too good then power escalation gets ridiculous - which would be great if we wanted to drive the game into an endgame hole.

As we've said before, Celestial kit was supposed to be the end game kit but we since had a community revival and planned a load of new content. These rare kits are usually based on items 12 levels higher and Celestial set was actually released quite prematurely, it would have normally have been released with Orc City or King Obould.

The only thing I am really understanding here is; too predictable: too boring!

What we want is some super rare super high value items to hunt for. That OMG moment when a celestial item drops. That OMFG WE GOT A REJU ARM OMG OMG OMG.

Current new content won’t achieve them reactions.
Can’t see myself getting that excited for a guardian bracelet.

The new quest weapons are freaking awesome quests. Keep people busy for weeks. They deserve to be a fair bit better than the weps they already have. Mostly celestial.

No new mythic items are gonna achieve 2000gg+

Reju arm and cele items are the only items that demand the mega gg prices.
And the odd mythic like vengeance weapons.(there’s only two vengeance weapons EM lvl or higher ingame)

- - - Updated - - -

We are not ripping your content we love it or we wouldn’t be here. But we also play for them OMG I FOUND CELE moments.
I hope I’ve clarified this better for you
What we want is some super rare super high value items to hunt for. That OMG moment when a celestial item drops. That OMFG WE GOT A REJU ARM OMG OMG OMG.

Current new content won’t achieve them reactions.
Can’t see myself getting that excited for a guardian bracelet.

The new quest weapons are freaking awesome quests. Keep people busy for weeks. They deserve to be a fair bit better than the weps they already have. Mostly celestial.

No new mythic items are gonna achieve 2000gg+

Reju arm and cele items are the only items that demand the mega gg prices.
And the odd mythic like vengeance weapons.(there’s only two vengeance weapons EM lvl or higher ingame)

- - - Updated - - -

We are not ripping your content we love it or we wouldn’t be here. But we also play for them OMG I FOUND CELE moments.
I hope I’ve clarified this better for you

We get this moment every time you die pal 😂