Few curve ball suggestions
Some assumptions to take before you read further these suggestions are based on new item sets for 165+ level however these could be used for lower level if you take the stats down a bit etc.
These sets are based on a idea of allowing players to take either gambled risks on high attack stats but less defence stats or vice versa high defence stats but less attack stats.
So here goes....
-Additional base attack stats added to a jewellery only set(brace/rings/necky) but extremely less defence stats
Fire Attack Set
Base Fire Damage 3.0% +10-10dc/sc/mc (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Resists cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)
Ice Attack Set
Base Ice Damage 3.0% +10-10dc/sc/mc (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Resists cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)
and so forth with Ice/Holy/Dark/Lightening etc
-Additonal base defensive stats added to a jewellery only set(brace/rings/necky) but extremely less attack stats
Fire Resist Set
Base Fire Resist 3.0% +10-10ac/mac (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Atacks cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 dc/sc/mc (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)
Ice Resist Set
Base Ice Resist 3.0% +10-10ac/mac (These stats can be upgraded or gemed/orbed where applicate(sc/mc/dc)
Elemental Atacks cant be altered/upgraded on these
minus 10-10 ac and 10-10 mac (These stats cant be upgraded or cant be gemmed/orbed onto)
and so forth with Ice/Holy/Dark/Lightening etc
-Attack stat only items- this could be done with a range of items again make these items so normal defensive stats cant be added either via orbs or upgrades or both. These items would have to have larger attack stat ratio to make these worth the risk of using but again not too far to upset the balance.
DC Ring
65-75 MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
SC Ring
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
MC Ring
65-75 MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
DC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
SC Brace
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
MC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
-Defensive stat only items- this could be done with a range of items again make these items so normal attack stats cant be added either via orbs or upgrades or both. These items would have to have larger defence stat ratio to make these worth the risk of using but again not too far to upset the balance.
AC Ring 65-75 AC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No DC/SC/MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
MAC Ring
65-75 AMC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No DC/SC/MC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
AC Brace
65-75 DC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
MAC Brace
65-75 SC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
No AC/MAC (Cant be Gemmed/Orbed or have these stats added via upgrade)
Can have elemental attacks/resists upgraded
The ways I've set out above can be adapted and changed to both fit into the current item scaling system and will easily generate a huge wide array of diferent kits and allow for some more exciting gameplay with some people to go on all a all our attack stat kit some going for all out defence while others may try to balance bits from both either way I think it would definetely spice things up alot more.