New high levels areas | The Legend of Mir

New high levels areas


Active Member
Would it be possible to have some area(s) where clear rings don’t work, rt’s/ tele ring translocation doesn’t work, so it is actually a challenge and people have to work together to get through the area, to many places don’t challenge people enough and the art of hunting in groups for the higher level people who also need to be pushed. If it was level 170, there is enough active people to use and also gives people an additional thing to level towards if they can not use. Just idea 👍
Must agree biggest pet hate is when you put the work in to clear an area so the mobs all respawn and you can get a bunch of supers and champions, then someone pops in and RTs around and snags half of them, it's such a draining feeling, like getting a boss stolen. It's been especially prevalent in the event, there needs to be places in events like this and also in normal hunting caves where it's just not possible to do that, would make actual hunting way more rewarding
i believe the place your asking for is orc city F4? High lvl area , cant rt or trans , is a bastard to solo there so makes group hunting good.
i believe the place your asking for is orc city F4? High lvl area , cant rt or trans , is a bastard to solo there so makes group hunting good.

I think they mean somthing more in line with ice temple/rdd.
F4 orcs is soloable. Orog is soloable. King obould is soloable.
Somthing that encourages big group hunting that’s not repetitive. F4 is very boring after a few laps.
Been saying this awhile but gp version of mines of moria/fanghorn etc would be epic. Lord sauron dropping higher levels of revs/para/pros or even making a quest like em blade etc for them.
might be soloable for the highest lvl war with OP kit and a para for orog/obould but i was tryna talk for the majority lol, with the constant flinch spam in f4 its quite hard for a tao/wiz to solo there.

A new GP cave would be awesome , im sure i remember scorp/warda saying theres a ST or ZT gp cave in the works so fingers crossed we get some more content soon.
Indeed, though not a game point area, as DS states as said areas are soloable, somewhere that a group can hunt around 6 people and takes 1-2 hours to get to a boss which spawns every 12 hours. Actually have to kill all the way there if the mobs are level 176 basic up to level 182- supers champs - would be level 200 ish give or take. A proper area to challenge guilds/groups, stops people hunting solo as much and encourages team building which is only good for the game, stops being bored of easy areas he he he

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Wizzes and taos can hunt solo in orc 4th been doing so for months

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The point is an area where clear rings don’t work, rt’s/tele ring/translocation don’t work!!! You actually have to hunt kill and work together, strange concept to some people these days ��
Indeed, though not a game point area, as DS states as said areas are soloable, somewhere that a group can hunt around 6 people and takes 1-2 hours to get to a boss which spawns every 12 hours. Actually have to kill all the way there if the mobs are level 176 basic up to level 182- supers champs - would be level 200 ish give or take. A proper area to challenge guilds/groups, stops people hunting solo as much and encourages team building which is only good for the game, stops being bored of easy areas he he he

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Wizzes and taos can hunt solo in orc 4th been doing so for months

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The point is an area where clear rings don’t work, rt’s/tele ring/translocation don’t work!!! You actually have to hunt kill and work together, strange concept to some people these days ��

Like euro style fox cave :)
No rt no tele, trap rocks so people can’t sprint it

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Chinese style Mir. Awesome
Would it be possible to have some area(s) where clear rings don’t work, rt’s/ tele ring translocation doesn’t work, so it is actually a challenge and people have to work together to get through the area, to many places don’t challenge people enough and the art of hunting in groups for the higher level people who also need to be pushed. If it was level 170, there is enough active people to use and also gives people an additional thing to level towards if they can not use. Just idea ��

Man... you yea... you need to go and explore a little more rather than recommending non-popular idea's by saying rt/tele/recalls not to work..
You have many maps in Mir Arcadia where rt/recall/tele dont work.. EvilMir cave is one, Desert city f5+ is another, Loki place is another, Daily quests like Diablo is another, Ice temple (gg cave) is another and so is RDD.. Mir has enough challenges as it is atm... cant even keep up with them
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Man... you yea... you need to go and explore a little more rather than recommending non-popular idea's by saying rt/tele/recalls not to work..
You have many maps in Mir Arcadia where rt/recall/tele dont work.. EvilMir cave is one, Desert city f5+ is another, Loki place is another, Daily quests like Diablo is another, Ice temple (gg cave) is another and so is RDD.. Mir has enough challenges as it is atm... cant even keep up with them

Only main floor of loki cave you can't tele/rt. Can recall. Also can tele rt in kr.

Those places don't fall in line with end game hunts through. Try getting 5-10k exp per mob in rdd/bdp.

Tao can solo NL. DS uses rev scrolls like their candy to solo most the endgame bosses unless he gets kicked out.
Man... you yea... you need to go and explore a little more rather than recommending non-popular idea's by saying rt/tele/recalls not to work..
You have many maps in Mir Arcadia where rt/recall/tele dont work.. EvilMir cave is one, Desert city f5+ is another, Loki place is another, Daily quests like Diablo is another, Ice temple (gg cave) is another and so is RDD.. Mir has enough challenges as it is atm... cant even keep up with them

We have done all of them loads of times, BDP is still dangerous from maze onwards, and obviously RTZ’s in RDD, but really there the only places you need a good group to get through(not saying a lot of people saying good people), and you can rt in them places which is often a bad idea ��, so the fact you wrote what you have means you misunderstand the concept that people are talking about, or you don’t like the idea of somewhere so hard that can not be solo’d and need a good group all the time.
I would like to see a group cave version of classic ST.

No rts or tele, mobs the classic ones but hard as nails. Also, drops! Would be nice if caves had more interesting drop files. Seems to be a pattern with caves only dropping items their level. Adding in bracket of items above and below the level of the cave would be great
I would like to see a group cave version of classic ST.

No rts or tele, mobs the classic ones but hard as nails. Also, drops! Would be nice if caves had more interesting drop files. Seems to be a pattern with caves only dropping items their level. Adding in bracket of items above and below the level of the cave would be great

Yeah definitely this along with ZT. ZT was always my favourite guild hunt. Have them rammed with mobs like PB so its a constant battle, can't afford to semi afk otherwise your dead. No tele and RT I agree with for sure but taking Trans off wizzies is like taking BC off Warriors.
Wizzes will struggle to lure with no translocation which is the whole point of a hard area, it’s not for solo it’s for team/ groups, trans is nothing like BC, wars can not BC through or over walls which is what wizzes would do if they could !!!!
Wizzes will struggle to lure with no translocation which is the whole point of a hard area, it’s not for solo it’s for team/ groups, trans is nothing like BC, wars can not BC through or over walls which is what wizzes would do if they could !!!!

Trans has multiple purposes, getting over walls is a minor bonus that I'd happily do without, just make the maps in such a way that there's no places that it can be used to an advantage like that. It's main use is to escape from large lures, especially when there's too many mobs to repulse effectively, pretty much the same way that warriors use BC
Trans has multiple purposes, getting over walls is a minor bonus that I'd happily do without, just make the maps in such a way that there's no places that it can be used to an advantage like that. It's main use is to escape from large lures, especially when there's too many mobs to repulse effectively, pretty much the same way that warriors use BC

I only use BC to get around fast. Like a speed buff. Not get away from lures
.to OP for that. Rec scrolls :)
Easy areas ingame are boring for high levels, it’s about time Andy pulled his finger out and gave the high levels an area that is a challenge, or what’s the point, we won’t spend money, or game gold, don’t need another game point area, we need an out and out hardcore level 180+area which no1 can lion roar/ confuse/ TU mobs, good place for long awaited ancient items to drop ����������
Pulls his finger out ? How rude. I’m sorry but the game gets updated a lot for something That is 20 year old. Yes! Ask for improvements, suggestions and give scrop an idea what the player base wants.

But don’t claim he’s lazy or not doing enough. We have just had a really great event and not long before that the orc update.
Whenever we release something challenging we get a load of abuse "XYZ" hasn't been killed for months :hopelessness:

We intend to release more RDD / BDP type dungeons when the opportunity arises
Whenever we release something challenging we get a load of abuse "XYZ" hasn't been killed for months :hopelessness:

We intend to release more RDD / BDP type dungeons when the opportunity arises

YES!! Beautifull, love those maps