Active Member
Has anyone else noticed a drop in exp since the reboot? I fully understand what has been tried to be done. You reduced resting exp but also reduced the exp required to lvl. Now unless ur maths was perfect someone is gonna lose out. Either the high lvls or the catcher uppers. From what I can gather, the high lvls can now lvl faster and the lower levels now lvl slower. My resting exp has been reduced by 1/3 (33%) but the exp required to level has reduced by 10%. This don’t add up. To top this off, mob levels seem to have been reduced meaning where I was lvling before the reboot is now obsolete to me and I can’t even gain slow exp there. I just got my head around how severe the drop in exp is once u reach 152/153 and it’s got even slower. I spend a lot of cash on exp pots so I take the time to work out exactly how much exp I make per hour and I’ve definitely noticed a big drop since this patch. I don’t mean exp gained. I mean %gained per hour. Looks like this patch deliberately attempts to increase the gap between high lvls and catcher uppers