A new class that can use some of the spells from all classes.. not wiz,tao or war but a new class that can learn and adapt to skills forms different classes..
so the new class can have skills can have the following spells
Fireball, slaying, and healing from lvl 1-20.. now depending on you kit u are more tuned towards one of the main classes such as wiz, war or tao... allow these new archer classes that are popping up on new random servers... GM should make a new class that can use skills of different classes in one.. obviously picking this class might or might not have the same advantage of say if you went full wizard.
To make a new class all u need is a new class that can use certain spells from different classes to play the game.
Just an idea that can easily be incorporated in to the currrent system without having to change the whole system or start a new server..
so the new class can have skills can have the following spells
Fireball, slaying, and healing from lvl 1-20.. now depending on you kit u are more tuned towards one of the main classes such as wiz, war or tao... allow these new archer classes that are popping up on new random servers... GM should make a new class that can use skills of different classes in one.. obviously picking this class might or might not have the same advantage of say if you went full wizard.
To make a new class all u need is a new class that can use certain spells from different classes to play the game.
Just an idea that can easily be incorporated in to the currrent system without having to change the whole system or start a new server..