New Cap lvl | The Legend of Mir

New Cap lvl


Active Member
Whn new cap lvl
And any event or new rares for lvl 200 or do elys upgrade like arm wep make all kit upgrades been cool
Can’t see cap level coming in before Easter as it be pointless to do so , Easter is biggest EXP hike of the year if cap was raised before it then you would get half the server 197-198 by end of Easter
I would imagine it’s more appropriate to raise cap level after Easter as then top 20 players would all be around the 195 mark thus making it a good transition before next event which unless we have a Summer Madness or New Skills event is Halloween …
As for upgrading gear there is carrot 🥕 and stick issues still some quests require silly amounts of time to farm , some require access to certain maps unless in a strong guild will take ages to fulfil , questing really needs a overhaul as often by the time you get it done the item is long past your level or surpassed by a normal item of a higher level which you probably reached in the time it took to complete the quest plus often quests gain the item 2-5 levels so you also need to factor the value add it has .
Personally like to see all quests attainable by any player without the need for ridiculous amounts of mats and guild strength , questing should be an enjoyable way to pass the time away not a complete arse bending grind for 3-6 months
For an obsolete item as it often becomes….
Can’t see cap level coming in before Easter as it be pointless to do so , Easter is biggest EXP hike of the year if cap was raised before it then you would get half the server 197-198 by end of Easter
I would imagine it’s more appropriate to raise cap level after Easter as then top 20 players would all be around the 195 mark thus making it a good transition before next event which unless we have a Summer Madness or New Skills event is Halloween …
As for upgrading gear there is carrot 🥕 and stick issues still some quests require silly amounts of time to farm , some require access to certain maps unless in a strong guild will take ages to fulfil , questing really needs a overhaul as often by the time you get it done the item is long past your level or surpassed by a normal item of a higher level which you probably reached in the time it took to complete the quest plus often quests gain the item 2-5 levels so you also need to factor the value add it has .
Personally like to see all quests attainable by any player without the need for ridiculous amounts of mats and guild strength , questing should be an enjoyable way to pass the time away not a complete arse bending grind for 3-6 months
For an obsolete item as it often becomes….
My take on it is that GM has intentionally made quests a grind to give people something to do when they don't need to level any more

People complained about it being too hard and in response he introduced the quota quests which I personally quite enjoy, though I accept they won't be to everyone's taste. They work well for me when I'm working from home, cos I can pop online, do a quest that takes 5 minutes, get 1 xs chip then get back to work. Do that a handful of times per day and they add up in time.
I should say I agree with your point about the level cap, new cap and new maps and kits shortly after easter would make the most logical sense
Got to say I agree as well. There will be a raft of new chars hitting the level cap during Easter event. New maps new kit. Also think maybe its time we had another GameShop necklace, rev ring, pro ring and para 30 levels on from the Epics and IceDrake. Just in time for the 10th anniversary in the spring.
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