New boss idea | The Legend of Mir

New boss idea


Active Member
hey there people

we have bosses that walk around we have bosses that come out of the ground and bosses that come up the clif face to attack you

how about makeing a boss that will come out of the water and attack you i think this mite be a really fun boss was war's cant attack it and fire attacks will not work LOL

..... only a idear LOL
hey there people

we have bosses that walk around we have bosses that come out of the ground and bosses that come up the clif face to attack you

how about makeing a boss that will come out of the water and attack you i think this mite be a really fun boss was war's cant attack it and fire attacks will not work LOL

..... only a idear LOL

A boss that a whole class is useless against? Seams shit.
A boss that a whole class is useless against? Seams shit.

Hold on.

If we modify what he said we could have a workable boss.

Phase 1 - Boss spawns in the ocean, Out of reach of warriors and immune to fire damage from wizard. Adds spawn that the warriors and wizards deal with while the taoists deal damage to the boss to make it come to land

Phase 2 - Boss comes to the land. Warriors can now hit the boss to deal damage to it as the boss attacks back. Adds continue to spawn but now the wizards deal with them alone as Taoists are needed to heal the warriors

Phase 3 - Adds stop spawning and Wizards can now hit the boss with fire spells. Maybe have the boss with 2 different sides where one is immune to ranged attacks and one is immune to melee making the players have to swap the side they are attacking to be able to continue to deal damage?

Different boss phases could be shown by the boss changing colour?
Hold on.

If we modify what he said we could have a workable boss.

Phase 1 - Boss spawns in the ocean, Out of reach of warriors and immune to fire damage from wizard. Adds spawn that the warriors and wizards deal with while the taoists deal damage to the boss to make it come to land

Phase 2 - Boss comes to the land. Warriors can now hit the boss to deal damage to it as the boss attacks back. Adds continue to spawn but now the wizards deal with them alone as Taoists are needed to heal the warriors

Phase 3 - Adds stop spawning and Wizards can now hit the boss with fire spells. Maybe have the boss with 2 different sides where one is immune to ranged attacks and one is immune to melee making the players have to swap the side they are attacking to be able to continue to deal damage?

Different boss phases could be shown by the boss changing colour?

i love how this is all came out it sounds great and it would work but i was thinking with the sea boss maybe he can only be hit with lighting but i love the idea how u said it big thumbs up
Hold on.

If we modify what he said we could have a workable boss.

Phase 1 - Boss spawns in the ocean, Out of reach of warriors and immune to fire damage from wizard. Adds spawn that the warriors and wizards deal with while the taoists deal damage to the boss to make it come to land

Phase 2 - Boss comes to the land. Warriors can now hit the boss to deal damage to it as the boss attacks back. Adds continue to spawn but now the wizards deal with them alone as Taoists are needed to heal the warriors

Phase 3 - Adds stop spawning and Wizards can now hit the boss with fire spells. Maybe have the boss with 2 different sides where one is immune to ranged attacks and one is immune to melee making the players have to swap the side they are attacking to be able to continue to deal damage?

Different boss phases could be shown by the boss changing colour?

Now that's an idea! :)
Hold on.

If we modify what he said we could have a workable boss.

Phase 1 - Boss spawns in the ocean, Out of reach of warriors and immune to fire damage from wizard. Adds spawn that the warriors and wizards deal with while the taoists deal damage to the boss to make it come to land

Phase 2 - Boss comes to the land. Warriors can now hit the boss to deal damage to it as the boss attacks back. Adds continue to spawn but now the wizards deal with them alone as Taoists are needed to heal the warriors

Phase 3 - Adds stop spawning and Wizards can now hit the boss with fire spells. Maybe have the boss with 2 different sides where one is immune to ranged attacks and one is immune to melee making the players have to swap the side they are attacking to be able to continue to deal damage?

Different boss phases could be shown by the boss changing colour?

With regards to future AI planning, this is very good!