Need a bit of clarification about "Loss of stats" on restoring a dusted item please. | The Legend of Mir

Need a bit of clarification about "Loss of stats" on restoring a dusted item please.


Active Member
Need a bit of clarification about "Loss of stats" on restoring a dusted item please.

I copy/pasted full text from News section to point only on that issue please
because u refer on stats loss, but the main purpose to revive a dusted item will be the stat it had on. If i'm wrong on it i'm askin to make it clear please.
e.g. i have a dusted Myth pair of shoes i broke with a gem accidently after that scroll use they will not be Myth anymore or just will be myth but "white" (no stars at all)?
I know Gamemasters should be busy with event preparations but a bit of clarification would be apreciated.
Thank you and well done, alot of work for Halloween, lookin forward to enjoy it.

Arcadia will be rebooted today for Halloween preparation and some updates.

✓ Fixed issue with a player knockback
✓ Renamed GamePoints to – Demon Souls (permanent change)
✓ Updated the DemonSouls collect effect / sound effect
✓ Added DemonSouls release / spend effect
✓ Updated Guild Build Point sound effects
✓ Steroids now replenishes Arcamon lives and hunger

✓ Added RepairScroll to GameShop (repairs dusted item with loss of stats)

✓ Added event special SpaceStone to GameShop (will be removed after the event)
✓ Added IceDrakeNecklace to the GameShop
✓ A small exp increase where player level is greater than monster’s
✓ Added server time to server icon under minimap
✓ Removed drop harvesting from some monsters (Drone, Romer, Terror, StoneTerror)
✓ Auction House will only open in a main safe zone (ie not the GP hunting areas!)
✓ Restricted potion / alchemy drops*

* Super / Champion monsters will now drop limited numbers of potions or ingredients – rather than their entire drop file. The aim here is to improve the overall experience by reducing the mess and spreading out these drops more evenly across a hunt.
Re: Need a bit of clarification about "Loss of stats" on restoring a dusted item plea

Mythic will remain
Sockets will remain

It is not an expensive item (50 GG) and so prevents players from endlessly gambling with gems
Re: Need a bit of clarification about "Loss of stats" on restoring a dusted item plea

OK, that was a quick one, thank you.
Suppose this will help other people too.
... and YES i promise i ll stop trying Orbs at late hours of day cause my eyes stop distinguish the gem from ORB :).
