Need 30 likes on Facebook for 200% exp bonus for under 130 | The Legend of Mir

Need 30 likes on Facebook for 200% exp bonus for under 130


Active Member
Men and women of Arcadia,

We the under 130s need your help in the upcoming exp bonus event happening this coming week. Andy has laid down a challenge and we need everyone's help to beat it ( well only 30 people actually but ya know).

All we need to do is get my post asking for 200% for under 130s to 30 likes and we'll defeat the not so evil Andys challenge.

Thanks from all the under 130s we appreciate the help ��
68 views on this post, should easy be able to get another 10 likes lol. Got 30+ likes on the post asking to like the other post so combined that's 54 hahaha surely the 130s will get it, I hit 130 last night so I'm not even going to benefit anymore lol but that's all good