MP regen | The Legend of Mir

MP regen


Leading Contributor
Seems like MP regen has been slowed down a lot since update. It's made a massive difference, not sure if it was intended to have such an impact. I use a MP regen +100% stone and still use MP way faster than it regens, I've taken to bursting a maxifluid bundle and using all 6 of them at the same time, just so I don't need to remember to use one every 20 seconds. There's no danger of my MP bar getting filled up.

It used to be a problem if I used a high level stone when levelling as I'm constantly using mass kill spells, so when levelling I'd use a MP regen stone, but it was ok when doing bosses as the single hit spells use a lot less MP. Now I just need to use my regen stone all the time and even then it's still too slow, my nice collection of high level stones are now useless.

The only option I can see now is to find a celestial armour from somewhere for the MP regen bonus, and even then I'd still be using an MP regen stone.

Can this change be undone, or at least dialed down a bit? I almost never die when levelling, but I've died so many times because I've tried to cast a spell but had not enough MP. It's like having a massive cooldown on spells, when you wait for a cooldown then the spell becomes active but you still need to wait another couple of seconds before using it, it just makes hunting massively more challenging and frustrating.
There is nothing specific I know about that would have changed MP regen this time around?

I do agree though it takes crazy time for MP / HP to regen from pots
There is nothing specific I know about that would have changed MP regen this time around?

I do agree though it takes crazy time for MP / HP to regen from pots

Hmmm that's odd. I was certain it's been nerfed. I even felt the need to check that my regen stone was working. Even with the regen stone on I'm constantly out of MP, I use MP up way faster than it regens so it's as if all my skills that have a fixed cooldown in effect have a much longer cooldown as I simply can't regen MP fast enough to use them continuously. It really feels worse than before the update, but if you insist there's no changes I'll need to take your word on it. Maybe I was just hunting slower before because there wasn't much to aim for, but now I'm pushing a bit harder because I can actually level again.

Guess I'll need to just invest in the next CelestialFlame that drops, you might do well out of that one depends how greedy the seller is :p
Not sure how feasible it is but, perhaps reconfiguring it in a way that, rather than the regen stat affecting a global % based on one value (I.e. Pots heal 10hp per tick so 200% regen heals at 30hp per tick for all players irrespective of level/max hp/mp), have it regen based on % against the players max mana/health pools.

So, example. A player who has 1000 HP and has 10% regen, would pop a HP pot and heal for 100 per tick whereas a player with 500 HP at 10% regen would heal for 50 per tick.

Of course, the existing items would need configuring so their regen values are not insanely high at 80% or whatever they are at current.

Drop them down to say for example, runes add +1%. Regen helmets are 5% etc.

So effectively, higher level players aren't handicapped by slow regen rates and in essence its kept fair and consistent across all levels. By reducing the regen values on items, you in essence eliminate the possibility of players becoming almost invincible. The regen runes at current in my opinion are under used so it would probably revive them a bit more. Also, it introduces a system whereby high level players aren't handicapped by the system itself, it gives them a level of control over their own healing rates.

Only thing is, it would mean having to rework all healing sources including spells as well. Well, could just stick healing spell level 3 at 3% heal for (x) HP based on player SC/Holy Damage %.
Not sure how feasible it is but, perhaps reconfiguring it in a way that, rather than the regen stat affecting a global % based on one value (I.e. Pots heal 10hp per tick so 200% regen heals at 30hp per tick for all players irrespective of level/max hp/mp), have it regen based on % against the players max mana/health pools.

So, example. A player who has 1000 HP and has 10% regen, would pop a HP pot and heal for 100 per tick whereas a player with 500 HP at 10% regen would heal for 50 per tick.

Of course, the existing items would need configuring so their regen values are not insanely high at 80% or whatever they are at current.

Drop them down to say for example, runes add +1%. Regen helmets are 5% etc.

So effectively, higher level players aren't handicapped by slow regen rates and in essence its kept fair and consistent across all levels. By reducing the regen values on items, you in essence eliminate the possibility of players becoming almost invincible. The regen runes at current in my opinion are under used so it would probably revive them a bit more. Also, it introduces a system whereby high level players aren't handicapped by the system itself, it gives them a level of control over their own healing rates.

Only thing is, it would mean having to rework all healing sources including spells as well. Well, could just stick healing spell level 3 at 3% heal for (x) HP based on player SC/Holy Damage %.

I won't deny it would be awesome and very exciting for the whole system to be revamped, but at the same time I'm under no impression that it's anything less than a massive task. You've nailed it with your analysis though. If you're considering actually doing something like this down the line, then I'd be more than happy to provide any testing/figures that might be useful to you.