Good question, I'm also kinda curious about this. I've always thought it referred to the chance of an item that drops being unidentified, but a lot of people seem to think it affects the stats the item gains when it is identified.
Some clarification on that would also be nice. If it turns out to be the way I thought, then it also answers your question.
Yeh I always thought it ment you had a better chance of a uni item dropping , that's why I'd usualy hunt on a magic pot vs a drop rate pot , thinking that if I do get a drop then least it'll be red if I'm on a magic find pot .
But then warda replied to a thread saying that magic find inhances what the stats are on uni items , which then lead me to believe I need to run drop pot and magic find , drop pot so I actually get a chance of a drop from something and magic find so that item identifies with a few shinny stars
So scorpian what you are saying is .... It's what makes items unidentified and increases the stats ... so uni items that drop in magic find time COULD have better stats and also items that you are crafting COULD also have better stats YES?? x
Yes he did zade hun if you class >>>> or being created as crafting ?
I took that as meaning bought from game shop. If you craft an item that's not creating it, the item already existed, you're just changing it's stats
Designing an item is creating because I be using diff status essence / design in order to create a super status.
Anyways now the other issue is I do remember previously he said magic buff doesn’t help with designing an item it only helps with items being dropped by boss will be uni and HiGH chances of good status. Is a bit tricky lol
Zade knows me better than my gf. He is right. Magic Find doesn't fit in with crafting as you are using the essence to do a similar job.
The identification scrolls just work to reveal the stats, and a better scroll may "discover" more stats than a cheaper one. I suppose you could imagine them as fancy Orbs.
Maybe a data base of different types of designs and esse. One that list what class is sc or DC etc, or fire ice etc... Is long overdue I think
That would make designing boring >.< I like the randomness makes it more intense.
Ps #ZedforMOD
Some kind of base stats would be useful. Say just what class their for..
I disagree. We already have everything on a plate as it is. Please don't encourage making things even easier.