Luthics armour | The Legend of Mir

Luthics armour


Active Member
Ive noticed the Male version of this armour has a graphical bug where u can have 2 heads while wearing it , Also there is no 2nd upgrade path in ZT for this Armour?
Ive noticed the Male version of this armour has a graphical bug where u can have 2 heads while wearing it , Also there is no 2nd upgrade path in ZT for this Armour?

If you have 2 heads does that double your character's intelligence?
pretty sure theres like a head thats in its normal place and then a bald head like in the neck lol and regarding the upgrade on the luthics arm , ive done it the first way in zt but when going back to the npc with the armour hes not saying he can upgrade it again? its as if i dont have the armour on me. The upgrade is still possible via the orc stones but its just ridiculous to even attempt .
Sure its not a helmet? I can't see an issue with the gown (on both your points!)

I think your test character is bald isn't it? You need to have hair to see it floating. Looks like it's slightly offset on the y axis in the hum8.wzl around frame 3600.
You'll notice this when you equip a monster armour (mystery cave ones) as a bald male character, you don't get the floating head that other hair types do.


If you started with the Orc upgrade then you can't swap to the Zuma ones. You have ZumaGown?
I think your test character is bald isn't it? You need to have hair to see it floating. Looks like it's slightly offset on the y axis in the hum8.wzl around frame 3600.
You'll notice this when you equip a monster armour (mystery cave ones) as a bald male character, you don't get the floating head that other hair types do.

View attachment 589

View attachment 590
Thanks.. looks like the armour is out of place