lion | The Legend of Mir


i have been looking for this stray lion for a Gd while now never seen it about dont know if im the unluckiest person on the planet or looking in the wrong places?

any help would be brilliant as only need this to complete my farmers quests
It spawns in the forest to the east of bichon wall. The respawn rate is very slow so if someone else killed it already then it won't be there for you to find. Just have a quick 2 minute run around, if it's there you'll find it, if it's not there then try again later. Took me a while to get all the stray animals, keep at it :)
When you run round the area where the other quest animals spawn widen your circle somewhat it tends at times to be quite a way off from them.
thanks for the info guys i managed to find lion which is brilliant

now to find photon and angelrobe it wont let you complete unless its original plain items (i.e cant use items with stars and that)

thought i was on easy street with this one but hey ho if it was easy it wouldnt be fun

once again thanks for the help:biggrin:

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Oath ,
thanks for the info guys i managed to find lion which is brilliant

now to find photon and angelrobe it wont let you complete unless its original plain items (i.e cant use items with stars and that)

thought i was on easy street with this one but hey ho if it was easy it wouldnt be fun

once again thanks for the help:biggrin:

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Oath ,

Try looking in shops, not all but some players will kill a lot of noob bosses and sell the rubbish to the shops
thanks for the info guys i managed to find lion which is brilliant

now to find photon and angelrobe it wont let you complete unless its original plain items (i.e cant use items with stars and that)

thought i was on easy street with this one but hey ho if it was easy it wouldnt be fun

once again thanks for the help:biggrin:

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Oath ,

i got a robe in ah i think, you can have it for free if you manage to get hold of me ingame. Kingkongen name is :frog:
thanks for the info guys i managed to find lion which is brilliant

now to find photon and angelrobe it wont let you complete unless its original plain items (i.e cant use items with stars and that)

thought i was on easy street with this one but hey ho if it was easy it wouldnt be fun

once again thanks for the help:biggrin:

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Oath ,

For those items you can find easily in AH if you want to buy, or if you want to find them yourself try hunting Terror King and Terror Lord (in Terror Temple)