Just a piece of advice. | The Legend of Mir

Just a piece of advice.


Hi Andy, as you can notice with your eyes, the game is full of big but at the same time useless dungeons, as death valley, old tomb, mines of moria, etc etc... and many many many more.
I'm writing here just to ask a question....have you ever thought about keeping the same moobs, same bosses and just increase their power, their lvls and their drop rates?
It's just a waste of half of the dungeons that we have in this game, think about this...it will be more attractive, a lot of people stopped playing because of the lack of dungeons and bosses.
Imagine, i'm alone, i wanna lvl a bit and i wanna choose between death valley, old tomb ( this can be even harder, to play with all guild to reach the maze and the KR, as long time ago)
, shelob's lair...etc etc..

I'm not a GM, i have no idea how to change the lvl of the moobs etc, but this shouldn't be so hard..
Thank you for listening...Bye.
Hi Andy, as you can notice with your eyes, the game is full of big but at the same time useless dungeons, as death valley, old tomb, mines of moria, etc etc... and many many many more.
I'm writing here just to ask a question....have you ever thought about keeping the same moobs, same bosses and just increase their power, their lvls and their drop rates?
It's just a waste of half of the dungeons that we have in this game, think about this...it will be more attractive, a lot of people stopped playing because of the lack of dungeons and bosses.
Imagine, i'm alone, i wanna lvl a bit and i wanna choose between death valley, old tomb ( this can be even harder, to play with all guild to reach the maze and the KR, as long time ago)
, shelob's lair...etc etc..

I'm not a GM, i have no idea how to change the lvl of the moobs etc, but this shouldn't be so hard..
Thank you for listening...Bye.

This is a really good idea, range of new caves for 120 to 160
This is a really good idea, range of new caves for 120 to 160

Imagine this- He does what you ask = Result Will be alot more bosses alot more items and drops. Prob alot more items and bosses to the same amount of players. Result of that is a fked up market.

But!! Myself would love more options to lvl and hunt in. Dunno how to balance it.
This gets suggested a lot. Those regions are there for a reason and have purpose. They are often tied into quests and other systems and people probably use them more than you realise. Ever-so-simply wacking up the levels of monsters will do more harm than good. There are plenty of place to hunt for all levels, far more than is really needed.

"a lot of people stopped playing because of the lack of dungeons and bosses", something of a sweeping statement that I don't at all agree with whatsoever. What level are you? I bet there are plenty of dungeons free for you to hunt in, and I bet you don't want to because you simply want to hunt in the current most popular one. Any new dungeon would become the most current and most popular one, thus the circle continues.
If I had a penny for every post that contains "loads of people have quit because of [thing I don't like]..." I'd be a lot richer than I am

Has anyone ever said those words and had evidence to back it up? List the people who have quit soley for that reason. Bet you 100gg you can't name 5.
Hi Andy, as you can notice with your eyes, the game is full of big but at the same time useless dungeons, as death valley, old tomb, mines of moria, etc etc... and many many many more.
I'm writing here just to ask a question....have you ever thought about keeping the same moobs, same bosses and just increase their power, their lvls and their drop rates?
It's just a waste of half of the dungeons that we have in this game, think about this...it will be more attractive, a lot of people stopped playing because of the lack of dungeons and bosses.
Imagine, i'm alone, i wanna lvl a bit and i wanna choose between death valley, old tomb ( this can be even harder, to play with all guild to reach the maze and the KR, as long time ago)
, shelob's lair...etc etc..

I'm not a GM, i have no idea how to change the lvl of the moobs etc, but this shouldn't be so hard..
Thank you for listening...Bye.
I disagree with you. With the advent of new arcamon pets and at least 4 new caves in the last year or so,
The game has rekindled the spark of when I first started.
Lots of positive work by Andy and crew.. maybe the way to look at the game is like I do.
Re explore lower level caves and stop worrying about must get highest level I can.
Maybe players would enjoy the game more.
Best wishes
I still feel there’s legs in the idea of re hashing some original caves to mirror euro ones. Original ZT for example, currently you get telled straight to 7th so miss 1-5 and the maze (half the fun). The only thing I would say is remove the ability to rt all the way to kr.

I completely get both sides of the argument but I guess I fall on the side of nostalgia as the only original caves (in original format) I hunt at ST and WT and they are just rt to KR runs anyway as there’s no point clearing your way through when your above lvl 120
I still feel there’s legs in the idea of re hashing some original caves to mirror euro ones. Original ZT for example, currently you get telled straight to 7th so miss 1-5 and the maze (half the fun). The only thing I would say is remove the ability to rt all the way to kr.

I completely get both sides of the argument but I guess I fall on the side of nostalgia as the only original caves (in original format) I hunt at ST and WT and they are just rt to KR runs anyway as there’s no point clearing your way through when your above lvl 120
Idea is good but do your really want to turn server back to the days of rting to cave entrance or worse having
To run. Better idea would be to introduce higher level mobs to empty caves ie oma cave and bug cave,
Yes make them non rt cave by all means. What level cave would be the question? City , blue ,red dragon and isle of the dead are already 150 caves.
Maybe make them mystery caves, were any boss can spawn.
Best wishes
Andy, i'm lvl 156, i know that i have a lot of dungeons where to hunt as you said etc etc... i just wanted to underline that there are a lot of useless dungeons.
Talking about the quests, even if you start today, 1 months you can be already 130, EASY, so i don't think that those quests are so important. You can always keep the quests, but for higher lvl and if i have more cave, more dungeons, more bosses, more quests to do at my lvl, i will never get bored because i can choose more options. I bet i can stay 1 day afk in Death valley, no1 will come, the same in old tomb, the same in EvilCentipede cave, the same in zuma temple (the one in MW).
What will you bet? Those places you mention are still used a lot. Just not by you, because you are 156, not 56.

Just because you can power-level to 130 and skip all that content doesn't mean everyone wants to or should. Making the game top heavy won't achieve anything either, other than making the game thin and boring for new players, which means they won't be interested and leave.

Sorry its a nice idea in theory but in practice very little is achieved, and more is lost.
Caves are used quite often suprised how many people still mine I used to mine every day not for the money just because I so loved mining and can watch tv at the same time lol.
There are all sorts of quests for people and as noobs they need to start from the beginning and learn their skills etc level them in easier caves. It should not always be beg a high level to level you that doesnt teach you skills or level skills how it was created as a game to be for the majority.
I went into a supposed old cave last night with pets to level them and was suprised at how enjoyable and memorable the whole trip was, made over 250K with no effort whatsoever.
Some people like the lower quieter places we all have different needs and likes and a variety of caves like now is something for everyone.
What will you bet? Those places you mention are still used a lot. Just not by you, because you are 156, not 56.

Just because you can power-level to 130 and skip all that content doesn't mean everyone wants to or should. Making the game top heavy won't achieve anything either, other than making the game thin and boring for new players, which means they won't be interested and leave.

Sorry its a nice idea in theory but in practice very little is achieved, and more is lost.

So, what about changing 2 caves and not all of them ? Or even 1 but the big one like zuma temple, or old tomb.
You keep mentioning Old Tomb, but that was renovated recently, anyway, and is a nice peaceful pk free zone. I think you are missing points made in my previous posts.

Some dungeons fit the bill and get renovations when possible. Such as Naga Dungeon more recently.

I don't really understand what you wish to achieve? If you think this would be a simple way to have more higher level places to hunt then you are wrong. We are not struggling to find dungeons to make new content and taking away is not giving.
Andy, i'm lvl 156, i know that i have a lot of dungeons where to hunt as you said etc etc... i just wanted to underline that there are a lot of useless dungeons.
Talking about the quests, even if you start today, 1 months you can be already 130, EASY, so i don't think that those quests are so important. You can always keep the quests, but for higher lvl and if i have more cave, more dungeons, more bosses, more quests to do at my lvl, i will never get bored because i can choose more options. I bet i can stay 1 day afk in Death valley, no1 will come, the same in old tomb, the same in EvilCentipede cave, the same in zuma temple (the one in MW).

A couple of days ago I went to EC on my level 112 tao to level purification (EC poisons a lot, so it seemed a good way to lvl the skill).
I was half afk half watching TV, then I noticed my screen go grey, I was murdered within less than 10 minutes.
So I went back and watched more closely and in 1 hour 2 other people came.
These caves do get used. Just not by you.

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What will you bet? Those places you mention are still used a lot. Just not by you, because you are 156, not 56.

Just because you can power-level to 130 and skip all that content doesn't mean everyone wants to or should. Making the game top heavy won't achieve anything either, other than making the game thin and boring for new players, which means they won't be interested and leave.

Sorry its a nice idea in theory but in practice very little is achieved, and more is lost.

Precisely the point I've made so many times. There is loads of fun content for people to do. Levelling is just one of those things. I like to do a bit of everything (levelling, bosses, quests, pvp)
People who do only one of those things will find they get bored very quickly. And they are also the same people who complain there is nothing to do.

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So, what about changing 2 caves and not all of them ? Or even 1 but the big one like zuma temple, or old tomb.

He did do 2 caves. RDD and BDD. Then he did Naga City. I'm sure more will be done in the future, but I don't get what the rush is.
My god, there are always dungeons used even by one person or two, but what's the point to keep a dungeon used by 2 people and not to create a new one used by 20 people?...
Some lower level players still use these caves, including my noobie, removing these caves just to buff certain player exp is unfair and immortal.
There are options to use unused caves , but the balance is just about right. Try using tomb of the dead or the 2 dragon caves if you feel the need to power level.
My god, there are always dungeons used even by one person or two, but what's the point to keep a dungeon used by 2 people and not to create a new one used by 20 people?...

Because when you make a dungeon used by 2 people into a new one that will be used by 20 people, you create 2 new problems

1. Where do those 2 people now hunt?
2. What happens to the cave those 20 people used to hunt, it is now empty?

And what problem does it actually solve? Nothing.

So, create 2 problems, solve 0 problems. I'm struggling to see how that's a net positive.
Because when you make a dungeon used by 2 people into a new one that will be used by 20 people, you create 2 new problems

1. Where do those 2 people now hunt?
2. What happens to the cave those 20 people used to hunt, it is now empty?

And what problem does it actually solve? Nothing.

So, create 2 problems, solve 0 problems. I'm struggling to see how that's a net positive.

Are you for real?

1. Those 2 people will hunt in other caves for their lvls, as we have a lot and as I wastalking about changing 2 caves for the moment.
2. The caves where those 20 people used to hunt, will be full as well because you can choose, for one hour in one place for another hour in another place...you have just more options.
Are you for real?

1. Those 2 people will hunt in other caves for their lvls, as we have a lot and as I wastalking about changing 2 caves for the moment.
2. The caves where those 20 people used to hunt, will be full as well because you can choose, for one hour in one place for another hour in another place...you have just more options.

I think you need to read the other comments a bit more.

I’m still on the side of nostalgia! Original PT PSV or ZT as an extra mid lvl cave to bridge the naga runes to top end cave gap that currently we now have