jibumas quest | The Legend of Mir

jibumas quest


Active Member
Hi Andy,
Any chance of opening these caves to players in guilds that don't own a castle?
With the way things stand only 3 guilds ever own castles,which intern stops a large percentage
Of players completing these quests because you need a castle to enter.
Best wishes
Yep. Also add a lot more mobs please. The caves are useless for anything except completing quests. But the quests will take hundreds of hours to complete the way the spawns are right now.
The other option is if your allies with a guild maybe you could enter theses caves!
Thanks for your input zade bud :)
Best wishes
The other option is if your allies with a guild maybe you could enter theses caves!
Thanks for your input zade bud :)
Best wishes

The allies idea isn't a bad one at all!

I think the caves originally were a big reward for being able to have a castle, but now they really aren't a reward at all, so I see no problem just opening them up to everyone.
The allies idea isn't a bad one at all!

I think the caves originally were a big reward for being able to have a castle, but now they really aren't a reward at all, so I see no problem just opening them up to everyone.

Maybe if it was a greater reward more guilds would try get castles.
Would love to see for example Thirddawn or Universal go for castles also
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Mow Jimbumas and Zakrums to towns portal give castel in sted teleport to 3 flor of tempel of cursed jungel and migt to desert tunel 3 flor .
as players holding castel now is mainly the 140 lvl + Guilds whit most of lvl 150 160 as mebers.
1 town potal u can us for it to make it a bit more questy to get to this Cave is to put them in Herotown.
Can someone please list all the things that require access to Jibumas

Folowing Questes need the caves of Jibuma and Zakrums.
Game score Mob kill list revard game score .1000 jibumas for 4 gs Zakrums kill 5000 for 3 gp.
The Reborn Hero.quest.

Bone colektor quest items.
Slayer of beast kill jibumas .
Tools of the trade. quest items ( have got it of jibum war .
Slayer of more beasts. kill moobs.
Slayer of even more beast . kill moobs .
Total only for the kill Jibumas qestes is 1600 mobs .

A Heros Legacy.

Khalim`s Will. Quest items from Zakrums
Lam essen`s tomb. quest items from Zakrums.
Extintion. kill jibumas 2000.This quest cant be finisht as NO tempel of skorn to kill in + tempel of ligt only a castel map to.
So Quest need fix .

Quest npc Giovanni. mowed from Black Dugon to tristam ,( blue texs still say fund in bd not tristam.

Body Parts . quest items from jibuma..
Monster kiling madnes 2 Jibumas 20000 and Zakrums 50000

This is the list i made of questes that need jibuma/Zakrums


FULTY QUEST AT FARMER IS Hero legasy (exstension) do to missing tempel (Be told by Alan that tempel of skorn newer worked)
so cant kill the numbers of mobs askt from ther.1Fix for this is to remow this quest ore to get it in to game.
a ide is re name orginal grundmover cave to tempel of skorn and put skorn moobs in .and ad it to moob kill list to .


Know that quest Rar Mineral have ben buged as missing in drop list The Quest items that needed for doing quest.
3 Last questes seams as not made so must be made gs 220 to 240 questes .

To do so Non Castel holders can hunt jibumas /Zakrum and tempel of light and skorn migt make them as entry from hero town .
Migt grand castel holding guild whit rewards of corter ways to go to higer lvling hunting grunds as say tele from bacment to desert
tunel 3 and to ent of jungel and migt see if a gold/exp guild build point cave to can be adet her u can to migt re us maps that taken out of game.
Okay to start with I have pulled all(most) Jibuma out of game and swapped them with Insect Cave monsters. I am going to look into Zakarum next.

This is a pain. This is why Quests end up being neglected and regions don't get renovated. I must try harder to plan for future changes!
Alright, Zakarum (mostly) extracted and swapped out for Zuma Dungeon monsters. Hopefully this should lead new players to hunt more in Zuma Dungeon which has more generous Skill books drops
I have added the rare minerals to MutantHybrid Drop files since you may no longer mine them. I think that's covered everything in this post. Thanks for the help!
Does it cover the 220 - 240 quests?

Think it would be valuable to extend this to 300, just no more “kill 50,000 mobs that give Shit exp”

8 new quests to program ��
Awesome updates Andy, thank you. I will check them out ingame asap and will give you a big list of criticisms as soon as possible hahaha

Nah seriously, it's appreciated, I know how complex it can be adjusting quests like that, total pain in the arse lol
I have added the rare minerals to MutantHybrid Drop files since you may no longer mine them. I think that's covered everything in this post. Thanks for the help!

Spent over an hour there last night, just normal drops from mobs . What rare minerals drop and from what?
Best wishes