Items don’t drop now | The Legend of Mir

Items don’t drop now


Active Member
Either solo or in groups killing lots of mobs, items rarely drop now makes zero difference with a finding elixir, treasure stones or anything, surely this has gone to far, it is better with less ingredients dropping as that was kind of a pain having many on floor, but it’s disheartening to kill all mobs blues/reds for 5/6 hours and get 2 items. Just feels like you getting punished for being a high level with a supposed high drop rate. If there a justification for this I fail to see it, drops were poor even before latest update.
I disagree strongly, so let’s see the response and views from people ingame on this, after all customers always right !!!
Last night I ran with two others in a GamePoint area, one of the others was using a drop potion and I ended up with 5 items, one ended up with 3 and the other with 4 within a 1-2 hour run. I also catch a lot of chat from players hunting in said areas who would disagree with the above. Personally, I'm not convinced there is an issue but I'm open to discussion I guess.

To give context to the above hunt, our kill rate was quite high and we were able to maintain a full Extermination Meter for the majority of it.
Item drops are ok for me. Solo 3hrs in Naga gp I can get anywhere between 2-8 items. We done a PB guild hunt last night and got around 12 items.

The odd time I may get 0 or 1 but that's part of the game I guess. Drops are a bonus in my opinion
Last night I ran with two others in a GamePoint area, one of the others was using a drop potion and I ended up with 5 items, one ended up with 3 and the other with 4 within a 1-2 hour run. I also catch a lot of chat from players hunting in said areas who would disagree with the above. Personally, I'm not convinced there is an issue but I'm open to discussion I guess.

To give context to the above hunt, our kill rate was quite high and we were able to maintain a full Extermination Meter for the majority of it.

The only things I have a big problems with drops are
Goblin spider
Eye of Gruumsh
These all don’t drop unis.
Last night I ran with two others in a GamePoint area, one of the others was using a drop potion and I ended up with 5 items, one ended up with 3 and the other with 4 within a 1-2 hour run. I also catch a lot of chat from players hunting in said areas who would disagree with the above. Personally, I'm not convinced there is an issue but I'm open to discussion I guess.

To give context to the above hunt, our kill rate was quite high and we were able to maintain a full Extermination Meter for the majority of it.

You free for any duration this evening to see with your own eyes ?

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Last night I ran with two others in a GamePoint area, one of the others was using a drop potion and I ended up with 5 items, one ended up with 3 and the other with 4 within a 1-2 hour run. I also catch a lot of chat from players hunting in said areas who would disagree with the above. Personally, I'm not convinced there is an issue but I'm open to discussion I guess.

To give context to the above hunt, our kill rate was quite high and we were able to maintain a full Extermination Meter for the majority of it.

You free for any duration this evening to see with your own eyes, don’t want sound petty without showing some areas perhaps need tweaked!
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Think we all have, but if you kill regularly you would notice how little/ often they don’t drop anything. Reminds me of bikes and how they dropped FA lol

But as of late eyes/orog and grummish ain’t great, was good when the first came out.
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kind of the whole point of rare equipment is that its rare tho right

What rare equipment? The rarest equipment has been ingame for 2 years.
We only want unis to upgrade the kits we got. I’m sure team thinks people will get bored once they made a kit but it’s quite the opposite. There’s so many different combinations of stats and kits that you could go on building kits forever with the current content that’s ingame. Just needs to be more accessible.

I mean I’ve barely scratched the surface of the potential kits that could be made and I put a lot of time and effort into hunting crafting materials.
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fair point but look at the state of those kits u got , all v nice items with mega stats , with epic hero's league buffs, do you really need more help making more items? i think not , especially with a event inc.
Would also be nice if your not forced into a cave where you stand feck all chance. 142 Tao forced into 160 cave madpumpkins are on steroids spectire well for small Holly stone is not worth effort. Other than that great area like the dark and mobs paced out.
fair point but look at the state of those kits u got , all v nice items with mega stats , with epic hero's league buffs, do you really need more help making more items? i think not , especially with a event inc.
He and like many other hunt in orcs, where items should drop appropriate for level, but unlike other areas there drop rate is 50% less, that is a significant difference, Warda said he went to Gamepoint cave with a group, either naga or thunder pass/ lava, drop really good compared to hunting in orcs, which is why this thread was started. People don’t really hunt in orcs main caves, some hunt in new realm caves as there easy to run about and can use tele ring/ translocation which defeats the object, it’s that very fact people don’t like to hunt in orcs 4th. Surely making things easier for high levels is not the way forward, we still need a challenge and these little features make the difference.
He and like many other hunt in orcs, where items should drop appropriate for level, but unlike other areas there drop rate is 50% less, that is a significant difference, Warda said he went to Gamepoint cave with a group, either naga or thunder pass/ lava, drop really good compared to hunting in orcs, which is why this thread was started. People don’t really hunt in orcs main caves, some hunt in new realm caves as there easy to run about and can use tele ring/ translocation which defeats the object, it’s that very fact people don’t like to hunt in orcs 4th. Surely making things easier for high levels is not the way forward, we still need a challenge and these little features make the difference.

orcs do drop items the appropriate lvl, the drop rate there is fine often done a 2hr pot with 10-20 unis , you need to hunt in orc city to get the eyes to hunt in orc gp i think thats why the gm done that coz he can see no one really hunted there, what object does tele ring and trans defeat in orc ?
orcs do drop items the appropriate lvl, the drop rate there is fine often done a 2hr pot with 10-20 unis , you need to hunt in orc city to get the eyes to hunt in orc gp i think thats why the gm done that coz he can see no one really hunted there, what object does tele ring and trans defeat in orc ?

10-20 unis in 2 hours of 4th. Don’t talk utter fucking nonsense. A groupie of 4 is lucky to get 4 items in 4 hours or orcs 4th.
I can single Handedly clear the entire of thunder pass alone and get 20 unis.

Huge difference.

Pb also don’t drop items from the previous update either. Pb u get 166 items only.

Orcs u get 166 and 170 items

Toa/ crystal u get ONLY 162 items

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There’s 8 eye of Gruumshs.
There’s 8 svaltus guardians.

Guardians rs in same spot everytime and drop awesome.
Eye of Gruumsh has a random rs spot. Hits 5x as hard. 200% poison regen and it drop total pap.

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10-20 unis in 2 hours of 4th. Don’t talk utter fucking nonsense. A groupie of 4 is lucky to get 4 items in 4 hours or orcs 4th.
I can single Handedly clear the entire of thunder pass alone and get 20 unis.

Huge difference.

Pb also don’t drop items from the previous update either. Pb u get 166 items only.

Orcs u get 166 and 170 items

Toa/ crystal u get ONLY 162 items

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There’s 8 eye of Gruumshs.
There’s 8 svaltus guardians.

Guardians rs in same spot everytime and drop awesome.
Eye of Gruumsh has a random rs spot. Hits 5x as hard. 200% poison regen and it drop total pap.

I never saw posts like this regarding crystal temple PB or toa. Must just be a coincidence that we’re all agreeing. With the exception of the few professional disagrees we have present on here.
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Past Bichon has drops from level 141, 146, 152 and 158 regions. We can remove the extra drop line of PB item from orcs if you want, but it really doesn't affect the main drops.

Comparatively the tables are very similar if not more in favour of higher drops to Orcs vs Past Bichon. Eyes for example drop kit with a rate 1/4 vs Hellfly 1/5 (see note), and all Orcs drop the armour whereas not the case in PB.

Svaltus Guardians have a 1/3 rate (vs Eyes 1/4) but only 1 spawns per 30 minutes. Eyes spawn 1 per 12 minutes.

The issue could lie somewhere else eg number of supers, kill rate.

n.b. 1/4 and 1/5 is only part of a drop calculation but ultimately 1/4 is a greater chance than 1/5
Past Bichon has drops from level 141, 146, 152 and 158 regions. We can remove the extra drop line of PB item from orcs if you want, but it really doesn't affect the main drops.

Comparatively the tables are very similar if not more in favour of higher drops to Orcs vs Past Bichon. Eyes for example drop kit with a rate 1/4 vs Hellfly 1/5 (see note), and all Orcs drop the armour whereas not the case in PB.

Svaltus Guardians have a 1/3 rate (vs Eyes 1/4) but only 1 spawns per 30 minutes. Eyes spawn 1 per 12 minutes.

The issue could lie somewhere else eg number of supers, kill rate.

n.b. 1/4 and 1/5 is only part of a drop calculation but ultimately 1/4 is a greater chance than 1/5

Thanks. Very informative reply.
I know pb has lower bosses that drop the lower items but I mean the native pb mobs supers and champs.

I mean if you swapped the pb item line for an extra orc item line that would be awesome I’m sure most would agree. It’s nice going to orcs to find orc items. But sucky when they drop pb items that can be obtained in pb much easier.