Is the game MMO? | The Legend of Mir

Is the game MMO?

After playing for more than six months on the basis that at levels above 150 there are groups for hunting and the need for a warrior as tank ,a wizard as dps and tao as healer but what i found is this server is solo mode playing and build up ur char to pking other player.At the end u just come to game to sell stuff on AH and pking . old mir was grp hunting and the game build on needs of three heros ,and this is what maked me playing but didn't find this here.
So i think the game should have some dungeons ,bosses need 3 classes or the game not worth to play
The game is whatever you make it

Some people stop levelling early and spend time pking or just doing basic bosses

But there's a lot more to it than that when you get to high level.

What level and class are you and are you in one of the main guilds?
have tao 146 and wizz 135
my point is the game as i see all solo playing not grp hunting.
not as it is first built as MMORPG game .
new updates same way focus on solo playing and no need to have dps,tank, and healer in grp .
have tao 146 and wizz 135
my point is the game as i see all solo playing not grp hunting.
not as it is first built as MMORPG game .
new updates same way focus on solo playing and no need to have dps,tank, and healer in grp .

Thats no where near a high level, if your solo hunting you may need to look at another guild, most decent guilds will have regular hunts at all level, we're hunting in groups at 175 plus! Lvl 146 is only just getting started.
I kinda agree and disagree. Before I started playing Mir, I played another MMO called Elder Scrolls Online on my PS4. That game was huge and all about group play, I mean you could spend hours if not all of each day in a group from 2-30+ players. So it was a bit of a culture change coming to play Mir, where the vast portion of your day is playing solo - but that is through choice, there is nothing stopping any of us from asking if anyone wants to group up and do whatever. There are regular guild hunts for most if not all guilds too.

Though some content (not a repeat of Heroes quest!) where it demands a group of X players must be formed before entering would be great. Something like an arena, with 10 floors which awards players who complete it with a new title (+ items of course) each player must be present and get kills to avoid one person having multi Mir exe's running! And make it very difficult like a title X for completing it, and an even better title for completing it without a group members death.
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There are still plenty of areas that require a group. I could solo lotd with rejuv but it would be a pain in my ass. Anything is possible except soloing rdd or bdp and few other bosses. Atleast not without using hundreds of revive scrolls.
The modern MMO has to cater for solo play and also have group play aspects.

To progress through the levels in the game you can certainly do the bulk of that solo, but to defeat the strongest bosses in the game... goodluck, you'd need exceptionally good gear and a ton of experience, which you'd most likely only get from going with a group in the first place.
There are still plenty of areas that require a group. I could solo lotd with rejuv but it would be a pain in my ass. Anything is possible except soloing rdd or bdp and few other bosses. Atleast not without using hundreds of revive scrolls.

Pretty confident there's a lot of players who could solo RDD and BDD now, only reason for grouping is to deal with traps and to speed it up. Even with a decent group they both take an hour or so to finish, solo would be quite a bit longer!
When I was leveling up I had the sunken ship challenge, Baal challenge and diablo challenge. As well as RDD, bdp and other caves.

These challenges were the highlights in the game for me. Lots of guilds working together and most of the time being pleasant with eachother.

Now the only challenge worth my time is Yim.

Numbers are low but having a new, difficult challenge would give the players incentive to be on working as a group to try and complete something.

Personally I'd like it more along the style of RDD so guilds can attempt any time during the week. Having set times for everything always excludes some people.

However it's very frustrating to be waiting outside RDD so I wonder if there's a way of making it more accessible without players being able to loop it non stop.

I feel these challenges are what make this game mmo
have tao 146 and wizz 135
my point is the game as i see all solo playing not grp hunting.
not as it is first built as MMORPG game .
new updates same way focus on solo playing and no need to have dps,tank, and healer in grp .

Get to know one of these high lvl players or guild leaders and nicely ask them to invite you to a guild hunt.. If ur legit and decent then one of them will surely invite you.. then I think you would change your mind about this post. I think you havent had the chance to properly explore the game yet.. u have tones of options available