How does game decide which ring to replace | The Legend of Mir

How does game decide which ring to replace


Leading Contributor
When I am using tele ring, I right click it in my bag and it always swaps itself with the ring on the right, I use it, then right click the ring I was wearing previously which is now in my bag, and it swaps back with tele ring. A simple thing that probably everyone does no problem. For this reason, since it always seems to swap with the one on the right, I wear my rev on the left, so the tele will swap with the other ring and rev stays active while I'm teleporting. This always works and is never a problem.

But, I often switch between MC ring and PDR ring, and when I right click either of them, they always seem to swap with my rev instead of each other, regardless of which side my rev is on. I can't think of any time I'd want to make that switch, so when I'm switching between PDR and MC rings I always have to left click the ring in bag then click the ring on body.

I'm just wanting to understand a bit better about the code behind the right click feature and how it decides which ring to swap with, so I can maybe do things differently to improve my efficiency in switching.

I know it's a very minor thing, but during war it can be life or death if you take an extra 1 second to do something, so any improvements are valuable :)
I too have been experiencing this when I swap my 'SC' rings (one exp, one crit strike, another pk), it always swaps with the PearlRev and thinks I wanna attempt to play with double Vanquish rings lol.. no ty
When I am using tele ring, I right click it in my bag and it always swaps itself with the ring on the right, I use it, then right click the ring I was wearing previously which is now in my bag, and it swaps back with tele ring. A simple thing that probably everyone does no problem. For this reason, since it always seems to swap with the one on the right, I wear my rev on the left, so the tele will swap with the other ring and rev stays active while I'm teleporting. This always works and is never a problem.

But, I often switch between MC ring and PDR ring, and when I right click either of them, they always seem to swap with my rev instead of each other, regardless of which side my rev is on. I can't think of any time I'd want to make that switch, so when I'm switching between PDR and MC rings I always have to left click the ring in bag then click the ring on body.

I'm just wanting to understand a bit better about the code behind the right click feature and how it decides which ring to swap with, so I can maybe do things differently to improve my efficiency in switching.

I know it's a very minor thing, but during war it can be life or death if you take an extra 1 second to do something, so any improvements are valuable :)

It’s always been this way but not sure about the coding. It works out perfect like you said to wear rev ring on left so all times your more safe.
I think that it defaults to right hand side and then avoids switching with an item of the same name - not entirely sure how useful that is..
I think that it defaults to right hand side and then avoids switching with an item of the same name - not entirely sure how useful that is..

Yeah the left ring was always the 'safe' ring when fast switching so i always equip rev ring to left as i know it wont get swapped when using tele rings etc
I think that it defaults to right hand side and then avoids switching with an item of the same name - not entirely sure how useful that is..

That's useful to know, I tried with a different MC ring and it worked the way I'd like. Shame my 2 rings that I use most are the same name, I have some others I'll need to work on now