How active is the game? | The Legend of Mir

How active is the game?


Active Member
Hey peeps,

Looking to start playing just wondering is Arcadia the most active? how noob friendly is the game? learning curve wise. Looks like a good old style mmorpg
usually 100+ user count consistently , if your new to mir can take a lil while to learn specially as theres alot to take in , but plenty of people to help / give advice
It's actually TOO noob friendly. You'll get people offering to give you stuff to get you levelled up quickly, but that skips all the quest lines that teach you how to play the game. It's definitely worth turning those offers down and enjoying the low level quests, they give you a great understanding of the basics and won't take too long to do.

If you're new to Mir, definitely follow the quests and read everything. It's one of those "easy to learn, difficult to master" games. You can jump straight in and play successfully without really knowing anything. But you'll still find things to learn a year from now, which is a massive part of the game's charm for me.

Average at any given time there's between 60 and 120 players online (mostly European, so busy times coincide with evening across Europe)

There are 3 or 4 events per year which typically last a couple of weeks, where the player count can peak at 200

Most of the guides / wiki sites etc. are out of date as the game has evolved a lot over the years. But most stuff you'll be able to work out yourself (that's often most of the fun!) or ask politely and people will always be around for advice.

Best of luck!
So whats the difference between project69 and Arcadia? different servers? im based in New Zealand ill DL and have a look tonight hopefully it isnt dead during my evenings.
So whats the difference between project69 and Arcadia? different servers? im based in New Zealand ill DL and have a look tonight hopefully it isnt dead during my evenings.
Players from all around the world. Mainly UK/EU players
Any reason why id be getting this pop up when trying to install? Windows defender blocks it saying its Trojan:Win32/Zpevdo.A this is from using the link on the front page
Welcome / Welcome back,

Arcadia is doing really well at the moment with a nicely active player base and plenty of content to get through.
Many developments over time have made it considerably easier for new players to get stuck in with the others.

As for the error you are experiencing with the installation - take a look at step 4 in the [Setup Guide], this should hopefully resolve your issue.
So whats the difference between project69 and Arcadia? different servers? im based in New Zealand ill DL and have a look tonight hopefully it isnt dead during my evenings.

Project69 is a lot older (16+ years) and is mostly dead. Arcadia is newer (6+ years) and still gets regular updates and has the majority of the player base. I'd 100% suggest joining Arcadia.
I wouldnt say its noob friendly, you can level quick but u will have a lot of trouble gettin skills. People like Zade will help but most will ignore you, untill ur a decent player 140+ with skills u will stuggle to join one of the active guilds, u wont get much of a chance to kill bosses as they mainly go to a select few characters, Noto / Immortals and both will pk u on sight. I have also heard people complainin about high levels pkin noobs at the best leveling places like Jungle or new maps.

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Do u think there should be some kind of cap. Players can only pvp characters 10 lvls above or below anyone got a better idea?? Magicman has been pkin low lvl noobs at Jungle so he can hog the map, they stuggle to get to the stage where it starts to pay off befor they quit, there needs to be some kind of protection for low lvls against high lvl players.
I wouldnt say its noob friendly, you can level quick but u will have a lot of trouble gettin skills. People like Zade will help but most will ignore you, untill ur a decent player 140+ with skills u will stuggle to join one of the active guilds, u wont get much of a chance to kill bosses as they mainly go to a select few characters, Noto / Immortals and both will pk u on sight. I have also heard people complainin about high levels pkin noobs at the best leveling places like Jungle or new maps.

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Do u think there should be some kind of cap. Players can only pvp characters 10 lvls above or below anyone got a better idea?? Magicman has been pkin low lvl noobs at Jungle so he can hog the map, they stuggle to get to the stage where it starts to pay off befor they quit, there needs to be some kind of protection for low lvls against high lvl players.

With all due respect, I'll strongly disagree with most of what you've said mate

"untill ur a decent player 140+ with skills u will stuggle to join one of the active guilds"
By "active" guilds I assume you mean the top guilds that fight in wars and get all the attention. There are lots of guilds that are active and have many players, mostly lower levels, but nobody knows about them because they don't fight in wars.

"u wont get much of a chance to kill bosses as they mainly go to a select few characters"
Again, this is exaggerated. The top bosses are probably killed 90% by about 10 or 15 people, but a new player joining the game won't be interested in these for months to come. The lower level and even mid level bosses are ripe for picking.

"Do u think there should be some kind of cap. Players can only pvp characters 10 lvls above or below anyone got a better idea??"
Capping PVP would be a disaster, everyone would just make level 100 characters and cause all sorts of untold grief in the mid and high level hunting areas, and there's nothing anyone could do about it

"Magicman has been pkin low lvl noobs at Jungle so he can hog the map"
I hear a lot of reports of this, part of the magic of an MMORPG is that players have the freedom to do that if they want, and equally players have the freedom to fight back. If they are too low level to fight back and he's leaving nothing for them, then they need to go somewhere else. It seems harsh but that's how the game has always and will always work.

"they stuggle to get to the stage where it starts to pay off befor they quit, there needs to be some kind of protection for low lvls against high lvl players."
A few isolated incidents does not a problem make. There's lots of high level players, how did they get there? Everyone was low level once and we all managed. Improvise, adapt, overcome

What i mean by active Guild is guilds that hunt, do bosses and war. there are probaly 3 guilds that fit that description. (Noto/Immortals/Mongs) even these guilds have smaller groups in them that do most the hunting and they are really clicky. The Bosses that drop decent items will always be hogged by the main 3 guilds. Cappin it so u cant fight players 10 Lvls below or above give the noobs more of a chance. The main low lvlin maps that such as Desert tunnel, Jungle and naga ruins should be non pk to give them a better chance at lvlin. We have both seen loads of new players come to the game latley but how many have stayed? an its realy hard for noob players to get the need skills unless their willing to buy with GG.
Error Purchasing Gamegold in shop, it says (try other payment method) but they deducted 1sgd in my account already, pls need help
I wouldnt say its noob friendly, you can level quick but u will have a lot of trouble gettin skills. People like Zade will help but most will ignore you, untill ur a decent player 140+ with skills u will stuggle to join one of the active guilds, u wont get much of a chance to kill bosses as they mainly go to a select few characters, Noto / Immortals and both will pk u on sight. I have also heard people complainin about high levels pkin noobs at the best leveling places like Jungle or new maps.

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Do u think there should be some kind of cap. Players can only pvp characters 10 lvls above or below anyone got a better idea?? Magicman has been pkin low lvl noobs at Jungle so he can hog the map, they stuggle to get to the stage where it starts to pay off befor they quit, there needs to be some kind of protection for low lvls against high lvl players.

Heard of magic man doing this quite a lot in jungle , tell all the noobs to pm me and I'll come down n spank him if I'm online


Also know what you mean about the bigger guilds having smaller cleeky grps in them " cough " 5Star" cough "
Heard of magic man doing this quite a lot in jungle , tell all the noobs to pm me and I'll come down n spank him if I'm online


Also know what you mean about the bigger guilds having smaller cleeky grps in them " cough " 5Star" cough "

Beat me to it hahaha
It’s quietened down a lot since I started 3months ago. When I started bw was full of people and stalls and lots of stuff was selling everyday. Since then the uc has reduced due to summer etc. Been rumours of a possible summer event. I imagine that would pull a lot of people back. If that don’t happen I imagine it will stay quiet until Halloween
It’s quietened down a lot since I started 3months ago. When I started bw was full of people and stalls and lots of stuff was selling everyday. Since then the uc has reduced due to summer etc. Been rumours of a possible summer event. I imagine that would pull a lot of people back. If that don’t happen I imagine it will stay quiet until Halloween

I've only been on this server about 18 months but it seems that there are 3 big main events each year, at Halloween, Christmas, and Easter, while there may be smaller things throughout the year to help ease boredom, they will be very minor compared to the big ones.

The events bring a lot of people back in to the game, and it takes a couple of months for things to die down a bit, by which time there's another event coming up which keeps it consistent (Halloween > 2 months > Christmas > 3 months > Easter) then after Easter it's a 6 month gap until next event, so combining that with the fact that a lot of people go on holiday during the summer, it explains why it has got quiet. It's nothing to worry about as it clearly happens the same every year, we're only about 13 weeks away from halloween then it will all pick up again, those weeks will fly in :)