Higher level undead cave | The Legend of Mir

Higher level undead cave


Active Member
HI Andy,
Noticed new pb is going to be 168+ to enter. Looking at ranking this area will only be open for around 10 players max for now.
Is there anyway you could open up or adjust exp in any of the skelly cave to allow for players that have increased undead attack.
As a 165 tao I'm finding it hard to get more than 100k per mob exp. Which may sound a lot but solo is very slow leveling. Or maybe rather than 168 entry to pb make entry on ranking say top 30 players can enter.
Best wishes
PS brown snake arcamon pet still in game?
What you read mate, is that at the moment in the current expansion, level 165 automatically enrols you in 'Heroes League'. (Soft level cap) and increases your personal buffs each level after, up to level 170.

In the new expansion 168 will be entry to 'Heroes League' (soft level cap)
What you read mate, is that at the moment in the current expansion, level 165 automatically enrols you in 'Heroes League'. (Soft level cap) and increases your personal buffs each level after, up to level 170.

In the new expansion 168 will be entry to 'Heroes League' (soft level cap)

That's what I misread. Soft cap going up again. Though need to be in heroes league to enter hence 168... Lol not had a beer and still confused.