Hi all. | The Legend of Mir

Hi all.


Active Member
Considering a return to Mir with a few old friends, just a few quick questions roughly how active are both servers? I use to play P69 back in early 2000s-2007ish and was wandering if this is still relatively active, or has the majority of the players moved on to arcadia, I'm open to playing either, also any oldies still around in this neck of the web?

Hey mate, Arcadia is certainly a lot busier than Project69 now a days I'd recommend starting there, it wont take you too long to catch up having a previous knowledge of the game.
There are still a few oldies around I used to play Child on p69 and play Shafted here so msg if you need anything. GoldieDragon & TopBuzzer are a couple of names you will probably recognise around town too.
Welcome back and I look forward to seeing you around!
Hey welcome back!

Arcadia is probably 10x Project i user-count now. It was originally built from Project69 so is similar up to a point. There's a lot of old systems still there to twang that nostalgia nerve
Hey welcome back!

Arcadia is probably 10x Project i user-count now. It was originally built from Project69 so is similar up to a point. There's a lot of old systems still there to twang that nostalgia nerve

Thanks for the info, just noticed Rise of the Archons is in open beta, I will consider helping out with this, roughly how far away from launch are you with this project?

glad to see you still doing a great job.

Welcome back.

Definitely go to Arcadia, it's far busier than p69.

If creating a new character in Arcadia, this is different advice I would give to a properly new player, but since you clearly have good experience of Mir so you want to get a good start... run to BW and ask (nicely) for someone to give you 100k gold (this is nothing to any high level player), if I'm online at the time I will help you out. Go to the Farmer NPC just east of BW SZ and he gives you a lot of quests, complete the "Money Problems" quest, all you need to do is give him 100k (that's what the money was for!) and the exp reward will boost you from level 1 to approximately level 55. Then find a group of friendly players who don't mind you tagging along on group hunts for a bit, until you're about level 100 or 110. That really shouldn't take long, a day or two at most. Pick up food items and other bits and pieces along the way that drop if the group doesn't mind (most people leave them on the floor, you can fill your bag and sell for between 10k to 50k each) Then you can start looking out for kit, don't spend a lot at this stage, but check auction house (blue button with white icon near the bottom right of your screen). Once you have level appropriate kit and start to learn your way around, you'll be able to complete some of the other farmer quests which will give you good exp without having to kill too much. Then aim to kill level appropriate bosses and blue/red mobs to gain 'game points', lots of game points are required as payment to enter some of the higher level caves where most people do big guild hunts etc. and game points cannot be traded.

That advice kinda covers all classes, but once you reach that point let us know your class and we can give you further advice. I can talk all day about wizards, but for other classes you'll probably get better advice from people who play those classes more.
Welcome back.

Definitely go to Arcadia, it's far busier than p69.

If creating a new character in Arcadia, this is different advice I would give to a properly new player, but since you clearly have good experience of Mir so you want to get a good start... run to BW and ask (nicely) for someone to give you 100k gold (this is nothing to any high level player), if I'm online at the time I will help you out. Go to the Farmer NPC just east of BW SZ and he gives you a lot of quests, complete the "Money Problems" quest, all you need to do is give him 100k (that's what the money was for!) and the exp reward will boost you from level 1 to approximately level 55. Then find a group of friendly players who don't mind you tagging along on group hunts for a bit, until you're about level 100 or 110. That really shouldn't take long, a day or two at most. Pick up food items and other bits and pieces along the way that drop if the group doesn't mind (most people leave them on the floor, you can fill your bag and sell for between 10k to 50k each) Then you can start looking out for kit, don't spend a lot at this stage, but check auction house (blue button with white icon near the bottom right of your screen). Once you have level appropriate kit and start to learn your way around, you'll be able to complete some of the other farmer quests which will give you good exp without having to kill too much. Then aim to kill level appropriate bosses and blue/red mobs to gain 'game points', lots of game points are required as payment to enter some of the higher level caves where most people do big guild hunts etc. and game points cannot be traded.

That advice kinda covers all classes, but once you reach that point let us know your class and we can give you further advice. I can talk all day about wizards, but for other classes you'll probably get better advice from people who play those classes more.

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Doesn't Zades post kind of highlight that maybe starting at level 1 is bad for Arcadia lol, I've mentioned in the past start level should be 100 with all the spells up to 100 but got shot down.
Doesn't Zades post kind of highlight that maybe starting at level 1 is bad for Arcadia lol, I've mentioned in the past start level should be 100 with all the spells up to 100 but got shot down.

Starting at least one class at level one gives new players to a feel for the game, and to explore caves and work out which element is used on different mobs. I'm up for fast leveling all the way, but knowing how to fight pve needs to be learnt first.
Best wishes
Doesn't Zades post kind of highlight that maybe starting at level 1 is bad for Arcadia lol, I've mentioned in the past start level should be 100 with all the spells up to 100 but got shot down.

I don't see any advantage to starting at level 100

There's two types of players, experienced and inexperienced.

Experienced players can create a new char and use methods that are easily accessible to them to get to level 100 very quickly, it's a good time to get back into the game and get used to where things are and getting the muscle memory back in terms of using F keys etc.
Inexperienced players need to be introduced to game concepts and can spend weeks getting to level 100, this is a blink of an eye in Mir terms but is a valuable time to learn about the game and how stuff works. I would say that for players of this level, all books and items below level 100 should be either in shops or extremely easy to find, I know Andy made some changes to improve that but I think it could go even further.

Too many high level noobs on the server as it is, place is full of level 130's who have never hit a single mob, don't have any skills and have no idea what they are doing.

I'm very keen to encourage players to spend a bit of time enjoying the game, people who see it as a race to the top get bored quickly and quit, long termers are who we want, and you only become a long termer if you have the patience to learn stuff as you go. If someone isn't willing to spend 2 days getting a new char to level 100, then they aren't going to last long anyway, regardless of whether or not they get that boost for free
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