Heroic Pot | The Legend of Mir

Heroic Pot


Active Member
OK, so just noticed you've reduced the heroic from 25% buff down to 20% buff but still costs the same. Why after all this time change the stat? Was going for 2k DC but now set back even further ha (probably just answered my own question with that statement but hey ho)

Couple of skin changes we noticed, any other tweaks you've done in game that we should know about? I'll be honest, TDB doesn't feel as strong but that might just be me sacraficing a bit of Element for DC/PA.
Maybe I just got really unlucky but I feel like rage potions drop rate has reduced a lot also
Maybe I just got really unlucky but I feel like rage potions drop rate has reduced a lot also

Yeh I been noticing the same plus none in peddlerr either so the ppl who usualy get them n sell them ain't managing to get any either lol