Heroes town | The Legend of Mir

Heroes town


Active Member
Once u get 168 u get access to the npc features in hero town. For instance u can salvage items here. You also get to buy identification scrolls. Just wondering why if u have to get 168 to be able to buy scrolls here then how come they are more expensive than in Tristan?
Once u get 168 u get access to the npc features in hero town. For instance u can salvage items here. You also get to buy identification scrolls. Just wondering why if u have to get 168 to be able to buy scrolls here then how come they are more expensive than in Tristan?

Very good point. IMO GM thinks 168+ are high rollers and rich lol. But yea I agree with you prices should go lower then other town in order to motivate players into leveling.
Also the armour NPC has a few problems buying and salvaging some items, ill try find what ones specifically but it seems some 152 items some 158 items and some 162 items
Also the armour NPC has a few problems buying and salvaging some items, ill try find what ones specifically but it seems some 152 items some 158 items and some 162 items

Ye the heroes tailor don’t buy or salvage belts or boots. Only helms and armors.