heroes quest | The Legend of Mir

heroes quest

i cleared all first cave but cant seem to get through that door that shows up on the map. am i using the correct one or is there a door that doesnt show on the map? i tried following guide on the fandom page but couldnt seem to sort it :/
i cleared all first cave but cant seem to get through that door that shows up on the map. am i using the correct one or is there a door that doesnt show on the map? i tried following guide on the fandom page but couldnt seem to sort it :/

The bottom and top caves only have one floor. Use the M (map information) key to check if there is 0 mobs left, when there is 0 remaining just go back out the way you came in and move onto the next cave. I think you can do the top and bottom one in any order, but leave the middle one to last. The middle cave is the only one with a second floor.
The bottom and top caves only have one floor. Use the M (map information) key to check if there is 0 mobs left, when there is 0 remaining just go back out the way you came in and move onto the next cave. I think you can do the top and bottom one in any order, but leave the middle one to last. The middle cave is the only one with a second floor.

ahh thanks i didnt know i had to go back out of the cave haha i ran to the coords it said inside the cave silly me >.<
There are 2 caves and a temple. Clear both caves before going into the temple, there are signs also outside the cave what will tell you if there are any monsters left alive in there. Make sure your pets are outside the cave when checking as it may say there is one left and you'll run round when its actually empty.
Kill everything in the temple before you start to clear kr also else you'll have to back track and clear the map before you can complete the quest. Good luck!
I notice you said "I" rather than "we"

Please remember you need a group of exactly 3 players to complete the quest
Remember not to click on bodies on the floor. Causes resporn of mobs. Also last cave on kr slowly, otherwise you end up fighting all mobs in one hit.