help please.......... | The Legend of Mir

help please..........

Could someone give me a clue to the bandit quests 1& 2 they are driving me crazy :confused:any help appreciated.....
His either on about the Solid Gold Necklace quest, or on about Giovanni's (NPC in BlackDragon KingScorpians KR) Save bandits from BW quest, Or his on about the Smash And Grab Save FE
sorry it's Bandit Attack 2 & Bandit Attack 3.

Ahh those ones, I assumed you meant they were farmer quests because that's the ones people usually focus on. There's not much to be said about these quests, you just need to kill all the bandits really quickly. If you kill too slowly then they scatter and run away from you and it can sometimes be hard to find. If they successfully get away from you and you don't kill them in time then you fail. It's free to keep trying so just go at it until you can clear them fast enough

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Must be the mob outside BW back gate lol

You're thinking of "Stolen Goods" quest from 1st section of BW Farmer

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His either on about the Solid Gold Necklace quest, or on about Giovanni's (NPC in BlackDragon KingScorpians KR) Save bandits from BW quest, Or his on about the Smash And Grab Save FE

You're on crack. This isn't p69. Giovanni isn't in BDD any more and hasn't been for a long time