Help!! i cant afford to repair my kit anymore... | The Legend of Mir

Help!! i cant afford to repair my kit anymore...


Active Member
repair and special repair are too expensive and i dont make enough from hunts to cover it.... this is sucha a put off.. i have to try sell my precious items for some lil gold and its still not enough.

i have already sold most and spent enough but it just doesnt cut it.. 5mil to special repair my weap?? or repair everything for 20mil+ what the flipping hell?
...... unless ur in goodfella ur not getting repairs for cheap there going to ruin the game

there allways moaning about drop rates event drop rates boss drop rates and when they come to it they moan about everything there never happy allways wanting the gm to make the game for them ..... i think it is time for the gm to teach them a leason in the game some sort of way there over the top thifes and dont care about the game i hope the gm will sort something out
...... unless ur in goodfella ur not getting repairs for cheap there going to ruin the game

there allways moaning about drop rates event drop rates boss drop rates and when they come to it they moan about everything there never happy allways wanting the gm to make the game for them ..... i think it is time for the gm to teach them a leason in the game some sort of way there over the top thifes and dont care about the game i hope the gm will sort something out

Make all skills for GG so all fights be in equal. Cant compete with dudes that 2 hit you and you need 500 hits in them... nah moaning a side. They are good we all other need to take walls. Only Legends what i know that even try.