Hardshell Reflect Damage | The Legend of Mir

Hardshell Reflect Damage


Active Member
I've been told by a few people in game the Hardshell pet Reflects Damage.

On the forum it says "their natural strength makes it a hard enemy to beat" as well as green or red psn or freeze but doesn't mention if they reflect damage.

Anyone know for sure?
think they are just super tanky , one red poisons , one green poisons and the one u put a 1k gg stone on slows
Thanks, I had the feeling this was the case. That's a shame, probably not worth the GG on the evo stone. Would have been nice if it had both specials
Not levelled mine yet but should be easy enough to test. Just hit it, heal it, hit it, heal it etc. keep doing that 100 times and see if u take any damage yourself. If not, then it doesn't reflect. I expect it won't though because Giant Keratoid reflects and that is specifically listed as a special skill. For hardshell it's special skill that's listed is the poison.
Thanks, I had the feeling this was the case. That's a shame, probably not worth the GG on the evo stone. Would have been nice if it had both specials

Only issue with the hardshell is its walk speed. Other 3 tao pets normally kill mobs before it turns up.. If you rest pets might be better. Would be nice to have an F key button to allow you to pause pets rather than control and A key.. Is P key used?....
Best wishes