Halloween event | The Legend of Mir

Halloween event

liked the event hunted woods! please not river of flames this year.. save that for easter...

ps if you run event can you put some arcamon pets in please:) last year were so few would be nice to level something different
best wishes
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I'm probably gonna miss the event cos I'm on holiday then :'( boooo someone catch me a decent arcamon please lol
I am trying to find time to create a new type of event.. If I am unable to do so I will certainly revive one of the old ones - Hellraiser or Haunted woods.
In which case the new event type should be ready for xmas at least..
I am trying to find time to create a new type of event.. If I am unable to do so I will certainly revive one of the old ones - Hellraiser or Haunted woods.
In which case the new event type should be ready for xmas at least..

If you ever need a hand coming up with events/new content mate I've always been good at coming up with ideas for that kinda stuff. Im going to add a pretty big list of the special abilities that I've been coming up with soon too but I got some fresh/new ideas for events and content.