Guild Wars | The Legend of Mir

Guild Wars


Active Member
I do not understand why the wars are prolonging. In this way a guild can have all the walls ... All should end the same period, and so give a shot to the smaller Guilds .... Really, I do not understand ...
Please calmly explain the situation and there may be a solution to the problem

Think he means about wall extensions.
It allows specific alliances to dominate all walls where if it all finished at the specific hour mark it would represent a opotunity to all alliances on server to try have a wall.
I do not understand why the wars are prolonging. In this way a guild can have all the walls ... All should end the same period, and so give a shot to the smaller Guilds .... Really, I do not understand ...

The extensions is a benefit for all sides in way both attackers and defenders but id say if anything it gives the weaker a chance to in some circumstances
The extensions is a benefit for all sides in way both attackers and defenders but id say if anything it gives the weaker a chance to in some circumstances

Agreed can work both ways but from the fairness and straight down middle point, if a no1 guild for example wants to hold all walls then they will need alot of numbers on to take and if another guild only wants one wall they have opotunity to outnumber them.......

I do belive removing extensions would allow all guilds on server to have a pop at them and may force bigger guilds to choose 1/2 to keep
If a guild is strong and well organised to hold all walls then they deserve to have them. Why should weak guilds have the same opportunity?
Depends on the context, but in this case "weak guild" would refer to a guild that is unable to take over and hold a castle

Agreed to a extent but im amused you only finding 'weak guilds as the argument' when it was about time extensions.
So without coming across as an ass what is the point in above reply unless its something constructive about the extensions.

My replys above clarified what the person was asking and my input was about extensions.
I belive EVERY PLAYER WHO PLAYS MIR SHOULD have a equal opotunity as every other player in game as without people there is no game.
Agreed to a extent but im amused you only finding 'weak guilds as the argument' when it was about time extensions.
So without coming across as an ass what is the point in above reply unless its something constructive about the extensions.

My replys above clarified what the person was asking and my input was about extensions.
I belive EVERY PLAYER WHO PLAYS MIR SHOULD have a equal opotunity as every other player in game as without people there is no game.

I don't understand your question mate
I don't understand your question mate
basically the thread is about the extension on wars and how it can be used in an unfair advantage for some guilds who go to the extreme to keep their castles or take from as you would describe "weaker" guilds simply because their are people within them guilds who are not good or dont wish to pvp/pk thus reducing the number of available players come war time since their are so many castles its a tad silly that one guild can keep all of them if they so wish ? as lets be honest not all the "weaker" guilds will be able to make other plans to secure their castles :)
basically the thread is about the extension on wars and how it can be used in an unfair advantage for some guilds who go to the extreme to keep their castles or take from as you would describe "weaker" guilds simply because their are people within them guilds who are not good or dont wish to pvp/pk thus reducing the number of available players come war time since their are so many castles its a tad silly that one guild can keep all of them if they so wish ? as lets be honest not all the "weaker" guilds will be able to make other plans to secure their castles :)

Then get the weaker guilds to ally with other guilds then
basically the thread is about the extension on wars and how it can be used in an unfair advantage for some guilds who go to the extreme to keep their castles or take from as you would describe "weaker" guilds simply because their are people within them guilds who are not good or dont wish to pvp/pk thus reducing the number of available players come war time since their are so many castles its a tad silly that one guild can keep all of them if they so wish ? as lets be honest not all the "weaker" guilds will be able to make other plans to secure their castles :)

So what you're saying is, being more powerful and having more players and developing better tactics is giving people an advantage, and you think that advantage should be taken away from them?

Why not go further and say a level 100 should be able to have a fair fight with a level 160. It's not their fault they haven't been playing the game as long.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to take all of goodfellas walls off them and stand in monchon taunting them in my poorly google translated Italian, but the fact is they have better tactics and better players and have earned their position. If you want to beat them get better tactics, better kit, higher level and more pvp practice until you are as good as them, then you can win more walls from them.

Moving the goalposts when you don't like the way something is might seem like a good idea now, but next time someone else new might come along and want something else changed and that ends up causing you a big disadvantage.
I now remember why I stay away from forum as much as possible now, so much thread hijacking and off subject bs stuff when a genuine question was asked.....

Despite what stance people take people are entitled to an oppinion and a say.
Doesnt matter if we all agree or not, it is what it is.
Obviously some people still live by the rule of if you a lower level your oppinion counts for toffee.
Well to all those haters...... they can take a spoon and eat my a$$
So what you're saying is, being more powerful and having more players and developing better tactics is giving people an advantage, and you think that advantage should be taken away from them?

Why not go further and say a level 100 should be able to have a fair fight with a level 160. It's not their fault they haven't been playing the game as long.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to take all of goodfellas walls off them and stand in monchon taunting them in my poorly google translated Italian, but the fact is they have better tactics and better players and have earned their position. If you want to beat them get better tactics, better kit, higher level and more pvp practice until you are as good as them, then you can win more walls from them.

Moving the goalposts when you don't like the way something is might seem like a good idea now, but next time someone else new might come along and want something else changed and that ends up causing you a big disadvantage.

Nah not really bud u completely missed the mark I said the extended wall timer gives the advantage in certain situations, gf a clearly the stronger guild I don't deny that good on them some of them have worked hard to get where they are so has a ton of other people my point simply was that there should be a remove of the extended wall to give a fair shot to both parties as it will require more tactics and team working having to defend multiple castles that all end on same time no? Or add a limit to the amount of castles one guild can hold... will get more people involved in the wars as more guilds will have them instead of the same ones having them so everyone gives up... oh and before its mentioned the cap of castles being all the castles is not really what u would call a limit before someone decides to put that.

Either way I personally won't be stopping in attempts to get a castle regardless :)
I now remember why I stay away from forum as much as possible now, so much thread hijacking and off subject bs stuff when a genuine question was asked.....

Despite what stance people take people are entitled to an oppinion and a say.
Doesnt matter if we all agree or not, it is what it is.
Obviously some people still live by the rule of if you a lower level your oppinion counts for toffee.
Well to all those haters...... they can take a spoon and eat my a$$

Which person on this thread has had their opinion completely ignored? Remember there is a difference between ignoring someone and disagreeing with them.

Not sure if that was aimed at me or not, but that doesn't really matter either way, I've disagreed with some points made here and I have explained my reasons in detail.

The only people who are ignored are those who talk with a lack of respect and act like spoilt kids, level is completely irrelevant. I have no idea who you are ingame but complaining about bullshit off topic comments and thread hijacking then making comments like "they can take a spoon and eat my ass" in the same post is really quite amusing to me.

Let me know when you're willing to have a mature conversation and I'll happily engage you in that respect, until then I'm out of this thread

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Nah not really bud u completely missed the mark I said the extended wall timer gives the advantage in certain situations, gf a clearly the stronger guild I don't deny that good on them some of them have worked hard to get where they are so has a ton of other people my point simply was that there should be a remove of the extended wall to give a fair shot to both parties as it will require more tactics and team working having to defend multiple castles that all end on same time no? Or add a limit to the amount of castles one guild can hold... will get more people involved in the wars as more guilds will have them instead of the same ones having them so everyone gives up... oh and before its mentioned the cap of castles being all the castles is not really what u would call a limit before someone decides to put that.

Either way I personally won't be stopping in attempts to get a castle regardless :)

The extended timer gives advantage to people with smart tactics. Ending them all at the same time gives advantage to anyone who is lucky enough to jump into a castle at the last minute. I think the first type are more deserving than the second type.

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Update: just figured out that marcus78 = Mrs79, that really surprised me, you've always been very friendly ingame and seem like a nice person. Why so different on the forum?
I think and as i have recommended it before... Castle wars time extension should be removed, or set to only few castles and as well as getting its time reduced.. and then it should be reviewed again when most guilds are balanced again. i also recommended having different castle wars at different time of the day.
Agreed can work both ways but from the fairness and straight down middle point, if a no1 guild for example wants to hold all walls then they will need alot of numbers on to take and if another guild only wants one wall they have opotunity to outnumber them.......

I do belive removing extensions would allow all guilds on server to have a pop at them and may force bigger guilds to choose 1/2 to keep

After a break from game I did notice during last war that there are now wall extension which must admit does allow the strongner guilds dominate almost every wall . I personally think should go back to the old way . Just my opinion .
After a break from game I did notice during last war that there are now wall extension which must admit does allow the strongner guilds dominate almost every wall . I personally think should go back to the old way . Just my opinion .

I think its wrong to say either side as advantage as they clearly are both balanced out by the positives and negatives or either all finishing same time or all finishing different times.

I think the nature of wars and the set times is a difficult thing to combat if he made it so wars could be arranged by the attacker or occur as and when this makes it hard for the defender to be ready but clearly this is more realistic as America wouldn't tell Russia there going to attack on X day X time. this could only ever change to this method if the defenders had the ability to deploy some defences to counter the fact they are not people logged on ready to fight.

However on the flip side which we currently have is arranged times which means it gives everyone the same amount of time to prepare granted this still makes a hard for defenders as they have to ensure they have enough people to defend on the said X day x time but at least they know it's always a set time in the current setup. There are no defences as the walls and archers are pointless at some of the walls and are not consistent across all walls.

The extensions have helped liven the wars up this is clear to see as a long time player and once a member of the guild that dominated the server before we left we can see this so I don't think they should go but maybe could be tweaked..

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Don't get me wrong, I'd love to take all of goodfellas walls off them and stand in monchon taunting them in my poorly google translated Italian

Surely this is bullshit as your not allowed to fight them anymore....but yet still enjoy letting them take items your guild members drop :)