Group Leaders | The Legend of Mir

Group Leaders


Active Member
hey there andy and team...

as the post says group leaders needs more power give people within group permison to pick up drops as am sick of helping people lvling up and takeing groups i fould out loads of people not in the guild and some in guild cant be trusted ..... i seen guildies picking the drops up and tt and logging off and leaveing guild same with people not in the guild they will jump on drops and run ..... i think there need to be a permisons on group leaders to trust worth players to get the drops while killing aka on bosses and mobs ...... i lost a 1% pa ruin ....... to someone not in guild after being nice and helping them lvl

maybe this can be something that can be looked into

zade before u say anything ....... LOL i know it is just a game and u cant trust anyone ... LOL all am saying after all the grind and lvling not to get many drops and items that are worthless to allmost all players in game now and sell for pennys that 1 rare items that drops in group no matter within guild or not there should be only 1 or 2 people that can pick up ...... the roll is there for the end of the hunt but atm whats the point with them kids and will grab and run for there lifes
hey there andy and team...

as the post says group leaders needs more power give people within group permison to pick up drops as am sick of helping people lvling up and takeing groups i fould out loads of people not in the guild and some in guild cant be trusted ..... i seen guildies picking the drops up and tt and logging off and leaveing guild same with people not in the guild they will jump on drops and run ..... i think there need to be a permisons on group leaders to trust worth players to get the drops while killing aka on bosses and mobs ...... i lost a 1% pa ruin ....... to someone not in guild after being nice and helping them lvl

maybe this can be something that can be looked into

zade before u say anything ....... LOL i know it is just a game and u cant trust anyone ... LOL all am saying after all the grind and lvling not to get many drops and items that are worthless to allmost all players in game now and sell for pennys that 1 rare items that drops in group no matter within guild or not there should be only 1 or 2 people that can pick up ...... the roll is there for the end of the hunt but atm whats the point with them kids and will grab and run for there lifes

I think you've already said the lesson here yourself. If you don't trust someone, why are you grouping them?
Hmmmm, maybe group share random drops need to be added like on chronicles you pick an item up its goes randomly to a person in the group...
Or maybe there should be a bot that gives you the item to the winner who rolled and the others dont get ofc.

stupid idea idk why i said this lmfao