Good pets for warriors ? | The Legend of Mir

Good pets for warriors ?


Active Member
Heya all!!
I'm still trying to get to grips whit it all & been reading some threads and posts I've been able to come across trough here, even doh they are EXTREMLY helpful for aspects of what I'm after, I'm still wondering what pets a warrior should go for? I'm 120 plus and its not for PvP as I suck at it lol, there is so many of them out there and I get a bit lost in what pet to get, where to get it and what stats I should focus on for the best results, if anyone have the time to help me out I would be super thankful, Play hard,have fun & be safe all.

For levelling, most arcamon aren't much use. But they are good for bosses.

Personally I like Khazard on my warrior, as it can help to keep the boss paralysed, which is really helpful against bosses that hurt a lot and will mean you can take on stuff that would easily kill you otherwise
where can I get hold of one of these dear? I'm trying to lvl up hard but after hitting 120 I find it hard where to go, as well any help u can get on bosses is great :D
where can I get hold of one of these dear? I'm trying to lvl up hard but after hitting 120 I find it hard where to go, as well any help u can get on bosses is great :D

First thing to do is read this thread
It explains very well how arcamons evolve
Start off with a spider frog, and feed it up until it evolves and eventually you will have a khazard.

Regards places to hunt, at level 120 for a warrior there's plenty options but I think naga ruins should be pretty good for you, I spent a lot of time there

Hope that's helpful :)
Thank u ever so much! that's been super helpful, now I just gonna find a spiderfrog and I'm set :D I will pop down to Naga ruins now and have a look about ^^

thank u again for all ur help, been super helpful x
spider frogs live in insect cave normally on the 1st/2nd floors they will run away from you and are very fast at running! suggest you take a clear ring once you find one,
the clear ring will stop frog from running so you can catch and kill it...
egg will drop , from the egg summon your pet and feed soups...
my first khazard I made a tank great idea but, on another thread GM mention khazard intelligence so I feed my next one zerk soups in now paras for up to 8 secs at a time. worth I thought.

best wishes
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thank u ever so much now managed to get hold of one so gonna start lvl it up :D will keep that in mind whit the soups, as if it paras more then is what u want :D

thank u <3