GM thouts on Evilmir armour | The Legend of Mir

GM thouts on Evilmir armour


Active Member
Hello GM.

What is deal with Evilmir armour ?
I know u put 5 FD and 5 FDR on it but as lvl 164 and basicly cant upgrade it it still are worse then HC armoursmthat almost everyone have silly op upgrades now when dess and ess are so easy to get.
Atleast boost the amc to equal as celestial or try explain what the deal is with this armour...
yea sucks that you get items that are 20 lvls above Holy crystal stuff and still the Holy crystal stuff are still better -_-
Will there be a EvilMirRobe (wiz) and EvilMirGown (tao) , or is there already these that I'm not aware of?

You would think EvilMir would top Celestial though... Also Cele wiz armour is the only one that looks good, the other 2 are absolutely pap. Surely there's something better in the files, particularly for the warrior one? I wouldn't mind one for my chars obviously cos the stats but jeez are they sore on the eye.
Hello GM.

What is deal with Evilmir armour ?
I know u put 5 FD and 5 FDR on it but as lvl 164 and basicly cant upgrade it it still are worse then HC armoursmthat almost everyone have silly op upgrades now when dess and ess are so easy to get.
Atleast boost the amc to equal as celestial or try explain what the deal is with this armour...

Kim jong andy
you got it buffed once, getting it buffed twice i think u be lucky lol

Ya, one time it must be my time to get that lucky :)

I just wanna know what he think of it vs Hc armour and so on. Tbh that armour i have, Evil mir armlur is on log in screen as it would be something special. But aint much speciall about it.
Creemys reviualaaaallllaaanata armour is alot more epic. So i rly dont get it with the Evilmir one.

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Will there be a EvilMirRobe (wiz) and EvilMirGown (tao) , or is there already these that I'm not aware of?

You would think EvilMir would top Celestial though... Also Cele wiz armour is the only one that looks good, the other 2 are absolutely pap. Surely there's something better in the files, particularly for the warrior one? I wouldn't mind one for my chars obviously cos the stats but jeez are they sore on the eye.

Atleast something abit like celestial.
I think that armour Creemy have is the wizz version of Evilmir for wars
Ya, one time it must be my time to get that lucky :)

I just wanna know what he think of it vs Hc armour and so on. Tbh that armour i have, Evil mir armlur is on log in screen as it would be something special. But aint much speciall about it.
Creemys reviualaaaallllaaanata armour is alot more epic. So i rly dont get it with the Evilmir one.

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Atleast something abit like celestial.
I think that armour Creemy have is the wizz version of Evilmir for wars

The problem is that EM armour and weapon is not rare drop and rejuvenating armour is SUPER SUPER RARE.
I believe evil Mir armour and weapon was implemented to be surplus items that would eventually be salvaged to upgrade celestial items. However, the weapon is sooooooo hard to upgrade I actually think it should be better than cele. I also think the armour should be able to quest upgrade like the wep. That could make it more worthwhile. .

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Defo needs equal Mac. 70 Mac on a 160+ armour sucks. But g does have reason for most things.
Occasionally threads like this pop up:

Then we wonder why we bother? It always comes back around to A is not greater than B and A is higher level than B but A looks so good and I hate wearing B so make A better because.

As usual things may change with the release of the next content update, but until then this is what was decided.

Ultimately, Crystal, Holy Crystal and Celestial are of a whole different class of armours. Hence the rare name tag. Realistically Celestial gear probably shouldn't have been released until this year but at the time we had run out of content and it was looking likely to be end-game.
Please don't say end game. Let's say beginning to middle game armours!
Did I mention that I love the look of all the Celestial armours on the kit view screen ?
Occasionally threads like this pop up:

Then we wonder why we bother? It always comes back around to A is not greater than B and A is higher level than B but A looks so good and I hate wearing B so make A better because.

As usual things may change with the release of the next content update, but until then this is what was decided.

Ultimately, Crystal, Holy Crystal and Celestial are of a whole different class of armours. Hence the rare name tag. Realistically Celestial gear probably shouldn't have been released until this year but at the time we had run out of content and it was looking likely to be end-game.

This is not us being nasty. It’s just constructive feedback. We all totally love the game and everything you do. The events have been awesome and the classes are totally balanced. It’s pretty perfect. The fact we only mention a few things we’d like changed kind of shows that 95% of the content is perfect.
Please don't say end game. Let's say beginning to middle game armours!
Did I mention that I love the look of all the Celestial armours on the kit view screen ?

That was probably 3 years ago, things changed significantly since that point and at the moment the end isn't even in sight
I don’t think we mean to offend you and dis the hard work you do. Just looking for a discussion into what the objectives of the items were
Loving that there's actually some challenging quests now. Getting these dark chips is going to be the death of me. I know the reward really isn't worth it, Binghe staff is basically just the same, but I'm only praying the EM staff looks better after upgrade, binghe one looks a bit weird
Occasionally threads like this pop up:

Then we wonder why we bother? It always comes back around to A is not greater than B and A is higher level than B but A looks so good and I hate wearing B so make A better because.

As usual things may change with the release of the next content update, but until then this is what was decided.

Ultimately, Crystal, Holy Crystal and Celestial are of a whole different class of armours. Hence the rare name tag. Realistically Celestial gear probably shouldn't have been released until this year but at the time we had run out of content and it was looking likely to be end-game.

I am still dissepointet a new armour that used to advirtise on logg in screen with a name like EvilMir sucks!

And like more ppl and prob PayPal can confirm. I love your work and server. That is realy not the subjekt with this thread. You could have made another name of the armour.. btw all! Selling Evilmir armour male t× DC 10 Crystals and buying HC armour :)
Personally I think it would be a cool idea to have the EvilMir armours with quests in a similar way to the weapon quests